We had a great week. It is full of a lot of fun stuff that I really enjoyed. I'll keep it simple though with some spiritual stuff (of course i'm a missionary so i gotta)
1: I went to the doctor to see if there was a problem with my ear. they said it was clean and no real threat except some weird swelling they saw in the left. they said that's probably the reason why I'm having a hard time hearing out of it. I'm getting it checked up again this thursday when the real doctor shows up (he wasn't available when we went hahah) just to make sure it's not like cancer or the coronavirus like everyone is talking about. Then we went out working and ran into this guy who was like "come eat!!!" and they fed us seaweed and tomatoes with rice. it was super good.
I also had oatmeal but no sugar to add to it so I mixed in a kitkat bar and it was super super tasty.
Then we were fed up with this one area we went to (that's super far and almost half of the barangay is members but a lot less active/inactive) and just decided to calm down a bit and took advantage of the beauty of our area.
Our entire area is on the beach. everyone lives right next to it. It's super pretty. We then decided to make the long walk back but on the beach this time to just enjoy the beauty of it all. I watched the waves. the islands in the distance, then we just... calmed down. It made me think about the creator of it all. It made me think of my Savior Jesus Christ. It was a reminder that he knows what he is doing. there is nothing to worry about. We will continue on to enjoy.

Fun story too :) We had District Conference. Lots of people there. President Peterson shared about this one RC he had in Pampanga. It was this small little sister (around 30s or so) who had big glasses and was super nice. Scattered israel and was wanting to be baptized. she was super distraught the night before her baptism because her glasses broke. She was blind without the glasses. But that night she prayed that she will be able to read the Book of Mormon and whether she should be baptized and everything. then at 12pm that night she picked up her Book of Mormon and was all of a sudden able to read! She read until 4am. then slept until 11:30am. The baptism was at 10am that day... So she was super late. But she made it and President Peterson who was a little upset with her being late still felt the need to wait the whole time. she got baptized. about 2 months later, President saw her again with his Mission President at his Zone Conference. President Peterson (who was a missionary at the time obs) was like "what are you doing here!" then his RC said "I'm here to teach people about missionary work because after you left, I felt alone at church and didn't want to go alone so I invited everyone to join me and 83 people in my barangay got baptized..."
We had a similar experience but with a Less Active lady. She was scared to come back because she didn't know anyone at church and needed a friend. so we told her to invite one.
She invited more than one yesterday. They all are determined to go this week.
Fun times. This Church is true. If it's not I would honestly probably be a Jew living the Law of Moses to this day waiting for my savior to come. But he came, He died, he suffered, He lived again. And because of all he did, I can do to :) His atonement is real and I know for certain that he himself is Real. We have a loving heavenly father, His son is his love.
Love y'all dos
-Elder Powell
Philippines Laoag Mission
#50 Buttong, Airport Ave. Tangid Junction Road
Laoag City, Ilocos Norte 2900