Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Talaga Ilocano Nah!

*Philippines Office Mission

Zone Conference Happened In Cagayan :)

One of the Beauties of the office (and also a curse because this means we don’t work for three days straight in our area) we get to travel to Aparri for the Cagayan Zone Conference to deliver packages, reimburse missionaries, give them all their supplies for the next cycle and so on :)

And we attempted a jumping picture :) The Philippines is a beautiful place btw did you know that? I do!

Well Things I learned in Zone Conference!

There is a lot that I learned. One of which is the importance of breaking the barrier of awkwardness when it comes to meeting new people and making friends! Here as missionaries we are (of course) to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the people who are interested. But in order to do that it's kinda stupid to just force teach someone and expect them to be interested without any sort of relationship with you. People want to know you! You would want to know them! If you are going to teach them, teach them what they need! Not what you are told to teach to mark it off in a little paper saying "done"

Jesus Christ before ever teaching a principle first got to know the people. He Loved the people with a perfect love! Of course :) We are literal representatives of Jesus Christ so that's what we should be doing! Making friends! Loving our fellow neighbors! Loving our Heavenly Father comes by loving one another :)

We had a fun Jesus Service moment by delivering some Swedish Fish to our wonderful sister missionaries in Sanchez Mira!  

Bucket Lists bois!!!

SANTA ANA! We were there for a total of 1 hour to drop off some packages to missionaries out there and then we had to drive all the way back to Aparri :) But a stop at the beach to say we made it "to the Coasts of Santa Ana" didn't hurt too much especially for already being there. It's called taking advantage of every moment that exists :) 

And of course Cagayan Zone Con happened but also I attended the Ilocos Zone Conference too so there's those pictures... 

Don't be a looser!

In the hard and crazy efforts of being a missionary We are here saying that you should not be a looser! That means, Being Prideful, Being Arrogant, and so on. Be LOVING! BE HAPPY! SERVE YOUR FELLOW BEINGS! I can promise you with a sure fact that everything in the world will be so much better if you follow the example of Jesus. I know from experience and I know of many others with that experience and I am thankful we all learned from each other and learned to repent and use the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ to become new, Happier, and better people! 

Anya Pay?!?

Laoag put together a super awesome light show! We took advantage of this tourist attraction to go make new friends! I have a couple videos that you can look at to see the adventures (as well as all the other pictures of the week) of just simply making new friends and having a wonderful time with strangers and making new friends! What a wonderful day it was for sure :)  

That's all from me 

-Elder Powell 

p.P.s. Transfers are next week so my next email might be a lot shorter as.... ya know... I get to completely rearrange the whole office to get it set up for missionaries leaving, coming in, and transferring to new areas. 

P.P.P.S. Got Rocks in your Gizzard? Adda ti babato iti bituka yo? May mga bato ka ba sa bituka mo? 

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Editor's note:
We got to video chat with Joe for Mother's Day. It was awesome because all 6 of his siblings, who are spread out all over the country, were able to join the group chat.

Joe's email this week was all photos from Zone Conference.Here are some I especially liked. There are more if you click on this link.

Baby It's Cold Outside

No it's not. It's super hot. And rainy... Rainy season has started. AND I AM HAPPY!!!

There's a lot of fun stuff going on this past week. First off, I got to skype with my Cousin Ethan Groberg and see him open his mission call! He's going to the Tonga Nukualofa mission!!!!!! ELDER OUTHOUSE IS RETURNING TO THE FIELDDDDD HAHAHA but yeah that regardless was an absolutely amazing experience to see even if it meant not getting to write an email of boring stuff happening in an office. But that happened for sure. 


She was a referral from one of our Recent converted families who could not thank us enough for teaching her how to pray, read, and learn more about "ang mga salita ng Dios" (she refused to call it the Book of Mormon for some reason...) but regardless she was baptized last Saturday :)!!!! It was such a wonderful experience too as we heard her come through and say after she came up from the water; "ah! Masaya-saya talaga ako!" (I'm super super happy!)

Fun part of the baptism: She didn't plug her nose when getting baptized and totally struggled for air for a solid second. She was so excited for the baptism that she just straight up bent her knees and like slammed herself in the water (lololoololol) I was laughing so hard by the end. We all were. But it was still a successful baptism.

I also (with the AP's and the other missionaries in Laoag 1st Ward) did a musical number! I played the Ukulele again and we all sang. It brought such  a wonderful spirit into the room that helped people calm down to prepare for her testimony which in the words of one elder: "Made me realize that THIS IS THE PLACE!" 

And as I add this wonderful music video to my Email, I come to the enjoyment to say: 

I got my drivers licence!!!!  

Not a good transition for going from one event to another, but it was still a fun experience to get my drivers licence and get to drive our President's car and also the mission truck :) 

Lots of fun stuff going on in this world. 
But now just enjoy all these Pictures here :) that sum up the past week! Involving a lot of pictures with members, Other Missionaries, Really good food (we had Hawaiian haystacks and may or may not have had more than my share), and just some all around wonderful times with lessons and such. Laoag is such a wonderful place and the people here are amazing! Reminds me and makes me miss Gattaran a lot. But everyone has their place and their time :) 

This work is a true and wonderful work! Jesus Christ's Gospel makes life so fun! It also brings us something that lasts a little bit more than just a life time. #EternityMan

-Elder Powell

P.S. SINO SI POGI?!?!?! 

P.P.S. Send referrals please. Thank you! 

Office Boi Takes the Mission by storm

Hello One and all from all parts of the world into the universe of the unknown that may or may not read this (It would be cool if an astronaut read this but I don't have my expectations)

I'm a busy boy in the office here in the Philippines Laoag Mission sending packages, imputing baptism Records, Dealing with large orders of stuff and so on and forth. and driving :) (woo that's fun) 

But of all other things, I am doing fantastic and have a wonderful testimony of this gospel of Jesus Christ and I know of the wonderful blessings it gives to everyone. 

Thought of the day for you guys: 

Are you feeling down? Try praying! then try serving someone else. Make some food and give your best friend a hug! then hang out with them and share a good message from the Book of Mormon to them :) 

Yen lang. Mahal po namin kayo! 

-Elder Powell 

Keepy-Uppy with your formative assessments!

 Active learning as a whole:  As Bandit would say, "active learning is the bee's knees!" (typical Aussie dad moment), Not only...