Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Baby It's Cold Outside

No it's not. It's super hot. And rainy... Rainy season has started. AND I AM HAPPY!!!

There's a lot of fun stuff going on this past week. First off, I got to skype with my Cousin Ethan Groberg and see him open his mission call! He's going to the Tonga Nukualofa mission!!!!!! ELDER OUTHOUSE IS RETURNING TO THE FIELDDDDD HAHAHA but yeah that regardless was an absolutely amazing experience to see even if it meant not getting to write an email of boring stuff happening in an office. But that happened for sure. 


She was a referral from one of our Recent converted families who could not thank us enough for teaching her how to pray, read, and learn more about "ang mga salita ng Dios" (she refused to call it the Book of Mormon for some reason...) but regardless she was baptized last Saturday :)!!!! It was such a wonderful experience too as we heard her come through and say after she came up from the water; "ah! Masaya-saya talaga ako!" (I'm super super happy!)

Fun part of the baptism: She didn't plug her nose when getting baptized and totally struggled for air for a solid second. She was so excited for the baptism that she just straight up bent her knees and like slammed herself in the water (lololoololol) I was laughing so hard by the end. We all were. But it was still a successful baptism.

I also (with the AP's and the other missionaries in Laoag 1st Ward) did a musical number! I played the Ukulele again and we all sang. It brought such  a wonderful spirit into the room that helped people calm down to prepare for her testimony which in the words of one elder: "Made me realize that THIS IS THE PLACE!" 

And as I add this wonderful music video to my Email, I come to the enjoyment to say: 

I got my drivers licence!!!!  

Not a good transition for going from one event to another, but it was still a fun experience to get my drivers licence and get to drive our President's car and also the mission truck :) 

Lots of fun stuff going on in this world. 
But now just enjoy all these Pictures here :) that sum up the past week! Involving a lot of pictures with members, Other Missionaries, Really good food (we had Hawaiian haystacks and may or may not have had more than my share), and just some all around wonderful times with lessons and such. Laoag is such a wonderful place and the people here are amazing! Reminds me and makes me miss Gattaran a lot. But everyone has their place and their time :) 

This work is a true and wonderful work! Jesus Christ's Gospel makes life so fun! It also brings us something that lasts a little bit more than just a life time. #EternityMan

-Elder Powell

P.S. SINO SI POGI?!?!?! 

P.P.S. Send referrals please. Thank you! 

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