Monday, February 18, 2019

New rules for communication with family

Editor's Note:
The church has changed the rules for missionaries communicating with their families. Yesterday, Joe was able to message back and forth with his siblings (who are spread far and wide) on a group chat. We are looking forward to the blessings that this adjustment will bring to our whole family as we support Joe in his missionary service and as we strive to increase our own efforts to share the good news and light of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

Well yeah my email is finally working but you all are asleep. Either way, I'm alive, another week has been going fantastic! I'm alive, the Church is still true, Apparently I'm allowed to use all sorts of messaging to communicate with family including Calling and Face timing them every Monday so that's is cool! I'm excited for the easier access of  communication with them and the opportunity to do such! 

Other than that I have not much else to talk about. Have a wonderful week! I'm alive, The Philippines is beautiful and all is well in the world! 

-Elder Powell 

P.S. I'm uploading pictures right now sorry. I'll send it in a separate email. 

P.P.S. A lot of you i bet are going to read this anyways because I have a bunch of friends that are insomniacs or just don't sleep like my family and everyone I know kinda. LOL Joke lang. 

P.P.P.S. Love you all I'll send more next week but emails will be shorter as I'm going to spend more time of it with my family talking to them probably :) 

So this is the view outside of the Orro family (including addiieee) 

some kids here literally take sticks of celery and make holes in it and collect their spiders in it. Like this kid here (we're teaching the family) 

I felt like doing some drawing today so I drew two of our investigators, their Lolo (who is an active member) and me and Egana (from when we went on exchanges one day) 

the epitome of a cringy pickup line

we traveled through the bukids for 20 minutes to get to an investigator's house with a member family (one kid taking a picture of us as we were on our way)

Digay is the kids name

and a cringy selfie of me on a tricy to go pick up an investigator who ended up being at the church already...

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