Saturday, February 8, 2020

Trysome to findsome

We called President Peterson and asked for help. 

So we had another fun and wild week of work. This time though, we were accompanied with probably one of the craziest missionaries that exist in the mission who knows how to make anyone smile and just get anyone to like you. (which we are working on) It really was a fun and exciting week of work and excitement to see so many people's attitude change about us as we talked and enjoyed our time with the people of Pagudpud Philippines and brought them the wonderful invitation of getting to know God's plan for them. 

Speaking of which, I was excited about this way of bringing up God's plan for us all in a way that was super awesome. We were intrigued by the people's lack of knowledge of what God's plan is for them. We always ask them if they believe if there is a plan, and they all are like "well yeah of course" but then we would be like "what is that plan for you?" and then they would just be quiet and realize they don't know zip about it. So then we give them an invitation to find out what that plan is for them by telling them to go to church. We had a lot more people committed to go to church than before though which was fantastic :) 

But no investigators came again which is creating a 9 week streak of a teaching drought here in Pagudpud. (president I can promise you and now you have a third witness that we are trying hard to find people and teach them and get them to progress to baptism hahaha)

That's about it though. I've enjoyed every part of this week for sure and I'm really looking forward to another one of helping as many people as I can to come unto Christ (especially this one family we found)... and for Zone Conference! That's this Wednesday :) 

Love you all! Keep me updated with how life is and so on. I obviously love hearing from you all even if I don't have time to respond to everyone It's still something that I love to read! 🤘

-Elder Powell

Philippines Laoag Mission
#50 Buttong, Airport Ave. Tangid Junction Road
Laoag City, Ilocos Norte 2900

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