Monday, February 20, 2023

Credibility and Importance in web-searching.

Contrary to popular belief, Kids are 
not the most reliable source, although they are fun!
 Often times....

we come upon a super fancy, fun link that takes us to learn some special and valuable information about literally... anything! The internet is really cool because of that (I can attest to it, I'm sometimes into that trap of internet consumerism that leads me to be on youtube for hours on end learning about the most random things). When navigating and making sure that sources are credible, I would focus on a few things just to make sure that things go well in the long run. 

What is the Websites Purpose? Is it Reliable?

If their purpose fits in your purpose, then BAM thats already a good start. Often times when we are researching things on the internet, it is for very specific purposes such as "why do giraffes have long necks" or "how come Bluey is such a good show?" Thankfully, Websites usually provide a generalized purpose in which not only would answers to your niche questions be found, but it also helps you find other unique answers that stick around the topic. so questions about animals, you can possibly find in a website like WildLife Magazine, or National Geographic, or PBS, who specialize in diverse but confounded topics. These are a way to understand and find credibility. I bring this up because sometimes when you find a source and they only have your one answer, or may not answer the question exactly, but go off on one subject or course of topic, then the source often leans more opinionated, and the purpose of the website may not genuinely lean correctly into your purpose for finding the answer through the internet. This is why I see value in websites that are well developed and provide multiple avenues, viewpoints, and credibility. 
Much like Chili, who's viewpoint is often
limited to that of her kids imaginations

Are the websites reliable?

Well, to make things easier, just refer back to my last question! To add on top of that, if the website is well updated through time, including updates, information like the author, editor, and publisher, then you can be guaranteed some more reliability in the source you are interested in. Is the website being updated with new information? we all know for a fact that in real essence of the scientific theory, nothing is proven to be true, only factors to be proven false. because of this, things that are perceived as facts and truth, sometimes are proven to be false over time! For example, we all accepted (including reliable sources on the internet) that stress can cause stomach ulcers! But when theorized and tested upon, it was proven to be false! The true data that came from multiple case studies from various doctors** that stress only is cause for very few stomach ulcers, and that most are actually bacterial infections that can be treated very easily with an already common antibiotic. 

**I learned this from Dr. Christine Lee, who shares this information on a reliable website run by the Cleveland Clinic: ** 


Yes authenticity matters. you want work to be original and authentic always, after-all, cheaters cheat and presumably eat pumpkins raw. but also remember what authenticity means! Simply put, all you need to do is be True to your own personality, values, and spirit (Mind Tools Content Team). This doesn't always mean that the information is correct or true. Do not be deceived! 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

I made a video for my next blog post.

 Here it is :)

You can put it at 1.5 bc I kinda just ramble on and let my ADHD roam. this will be the last time I do this tbh.

Happy Bingo Sticker by Bluey

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Did You Know that I'm in a Technology in Education Class?

I could talk about the personal and private things in my life, but I've reached a point where I don't want to do that. So... I'm not going to. 

Char lol

    Here are a few quick thoughts about Online Privacy and Cyberbullying. 

1. Cyberbullying is quite prevalent in the online world, and if you don't teach kids young about it, they will struggle with it both as the victim and the abuser. The best approach is simply to show them how to see it, understand that it is bad, and how to avoid, prevent, and speak out about it to *adults. 

*I say this with caution because adults sometimes do more damage and cyberbully kids than other kids. There have been multiple accounts in which parents, teachers, and other adults don't filter their words online, not realizing that when they post something indirectly on social media sites like FB or IG, most kids in the developed world can still see it. I highly suggest that adults of any kind, parents, teachers especially, and alike, should understand that their words online will be seen. There is a Digital footprint. It will never leave once you say it. Like the saying goes: "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all." 

2. Following my comment on adults not being aware of what they post, FERPA is a huge liability when discussing online privacy. Parents are okay to post pictures and faces and whatnot; of course, they are their kids and family. Going into the teaching field, even if you have the best stories in the world, make sure to leave boundaries between yourself and your work. This goes for kids too. I'll share a story of something that happened in the 10th grade that taught me a lot and also went on my record as the first and only time I got suspended, and for reasons that I realize are HILARIOUS now but really can be seen otherwise as dangerous. 

Long story short, I hated my English class. Homework in there sucked. Immature me went on Twitter and simply stated, "I hate this homework. It makes me want to *Female emoji* *Gun emoji*" a combination of emojis to express the desire to *un-alive* ones-self, which at the time, I legit wanted to do (but through other methods than *pew pews*, because I was afraid of *Skirt Squirt*s. But someone didn't interpret it that way. Rather, they saw the female emoji as my teacher, and me particularly shooting the *wah wah*. 

Yeah, I got suspended for 4 days. 

I learned my lesson. Be careful of what you say. Be cautious with your words. Kids and teachers should be very cautious, courteous, and mindful of their words. 

Sorry, no Gifs. I'm too tired to look. 

Bluey is still an awesome show.  

Here is an episode for you all to watch in the meantime

Actually... This show has an episode that talks about Bullying. 

Season 2, Episode 41. It's called Bin Night. 

Watch it on Disney plus :) 

besides that, You can watch this episode in the meantime :)

Bluey GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY

Keepy-Uppy with your formative assessments!

 Active learning as a whole:  As Bandit would say, "active learning is the bee's knees!" (typical Aussie dad moment), Not only...