I could talk about the personal and private things in my life, but I've reached a point where I don't want to do that. So... I'm not going to.
Char lol
Here are a few quick thoughts about Online Privacy and Cyberbullying.
1. Cyberbullying is quite prevalent in the online world, and if you don't teach kids young about it, they will struggle with it both as the victim and the abuser. The best approach is simply to show them how to see it, understand that it is bad, and how to avoid, prevent, and speak out about it to *adults.
*I say this with caution because adults sometimes do more damage and cyberbully kids than other kids. There have been multiple accounts in which parents, teachers, and other adults don't filter their words online, not realizing that when they post something indirectly on social media sites like FB or IG, most kids in the developed world can still see it. I highly suggest that adults of any kind, parents, teachers especially, and alike, should understand that their words online will be seen. There is a Digital footprint. It will never leave once you say it. Like the saying goes: "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all."
2. Following my comment on adults not being aware of what they post, FERPA is a huge liability when discussing online privacy. Parents are okay to post pictures and faces and whatnot; of course, they are their kids and family. Going into the teaching field, even if you have the best stories in the world, make sure to leave boundaries between yourself and your work. This goes for kids too. I'll share a story of something that happened in the 10th grade that taught me a lot and also went on my record as the first and only time I got suspended, and for reasons that I realize are HILARIOUS now but really can be seen otherwise as dangerous.
Long story short, I hated my English class. Homework in there sucked. Immature me went on Twitter and simply stated, "I hate this homework. It makes me want to *Female emoji* *Gun emoji*" a combination of emojis to express the desire to *un-alive* ones-self, which at the time, I legit wanted to do (but through other methods than *pew pews*, because I was afraid of *Skirt Squirt*s. But someone didn't interpret it that way. Rather, they saw the female emoji as my teacher, and me particularly shooting the *wah wah*.
Yeah, I got suspended for 4 days.
I learned my lesson. Be careful of what you say. Be cautious with your words. Kids and teachers should be very cautious, courteous, and mindful of their words.
Sorry, no Gifs. I'm too tired to look.

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