Thursday, November 29, 2018

Socks, Ducks, and Florescent Chicks


This has been another beautiful week. In our branch we have had a baptism every week for the past 2 months. Really wild to be honest and I haven't gotten a single picture of them because they all are with the other companionship in our district. (I know our district is small. 2 companionships and the 4 of us all live together lollll) 

ngayon yung kapatid na dadaggoo nag-aatack siya 

Pero Not at much as this one. (what a happy boi) 
(don't try to translate this. just accept it) 

For Austin Cilone: I still wear your socks here every Wednesday.

Here's a funky duck

Oh the places you can sit

So here are some mga addin who have these chicks that are like super neon Green and red-Pink. it was super weird to see all these kids with chicks and such but it was kinda cool. 

The Gattarran Festival happened this Saturday and we weren't able to get much done.... But it was cool to see such a community brought together to celebrate just existing :)

The High schools here (and elementary) have parade bands consisting of a bunch of color guard, some people on these cheap little bells and a bunch more on drums. That's it. It was so much fun to see them and call them a marching band and such. That's something I have always wanted to do here actually. Start an actual brass full marching band here in a place where band isn't much of a thing. But that's a future obligation. not present. 

More pictures to come in a future email! 

Other things:

Spiritual moments: one of the members in our branch had a stroke and couldn't afford to go to the hospital so she was half paralyzed in her left side and had a stutter. The other day she had another one but her family and some members pitched in and took her to the hospital in tugegero. She sadly can't speak anymore and is almost completely paralyzed. We gave her a blessing of comfort/healing of the sick. It was a special moment for us and I felt peace in her soul. 

Another moment, I shared a portion of the gospel of Jesus Christ's Gospel here on earth to an investigator and although my Tagolog is still broken and  like 3508 percent just me conjugating English words into the sentence (ahahaah yeah...) one member was almost crying. 

Last moment. I have a new best friend. I can't talk to him much but he is an investigator named John Michael Cortez (were teaching 2 John Michaels and actually have another few in the ward. Common name. Like... "HEY JOE") but he is super awesome. He's a senior in high school and a super chicks boy but he has strong standards, morals, and a love for the Gospel and is super spiritual and a fast learner too. Either way. He's super awesome. I'll try to get a picture with him sometime. 

I recently re-watched the Cultural celebration of the Gilbert Arizona Temple. It made me so happy to almost relive that experience of how excited we were for the opening of our beautiful temple and it was a moment I loved so much. Especially with how much it rained that night. Satan tried so hard to stop us but our spirit that night was so strong the only thing stopping it was the second coming of Jesus Christ and that hasn't happened yet. Either way. Of such, keep strong and faithful in Christ. I would suggest for all to go to or and follow along with lighting the world, community, family, and your faith! PASKO NA!!!!! Celebrate the reason for the season all you can and show your inner Christ in helping all around you. When you are in the service of your fellow beings, Ye are in the service of your God! 

tapos ko

as always

-Elder Ponnelll 

P.S. I've had a few people ask: This is my address to send me stuff. just a warning.... It takes about 3 months for it to send. so send ahead of time if you want send it to here. 

Brgy. #50 Buttong, Airport Avenue
Junction Tangid Road, Laoag City
2900 Ilocos Norte

P.P.S. I think I have eaten more ice cream here in the past month than I have in the past year..... 

P.P.P.S. Serve in your community and then serve yourself with some popsicles and a movie. A movie is always better with friends too. :) 

P.P.P.P.S. If I come home as a avid soda drinker it's because a bottle of soda is cheaper than clean water.... so yeah. 

P.P.P.P.P.S. For future reference don't throw your ramen against the wall. It doesn't make the Bukikis very happy. 

P>P>P>P>P.P.S. I'm getting really good at the Ukulele here. Piano is still a work in progress but It's fun being able to practice on pianos that really need to get tuned a few times a week (baptisms and before and after church basically but yeah) 

P>P>P>P>P>P>P>p.S. I use my french horn mouth piece as a tool in object lessons to help explain Prophets and why we have them. (they are the mouthpieces to the instrument of the Church to help all hear what he has to say. President Russel M. Nelson is the Mouthpiece. The Conference Center, TV, radio, and everything else that helps people hear his words is the Trumpet. something like that. hahahaha either way...

Px9.S. Feel Free to Email me! I love hearing what is going on back at home! Even if it's short it's nice to hear from all :) 

Editor's Note: You can email Joe at

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