Thursday, December 13, 2018

Broken camera means photos shared from others


sorry po. wala na camera at wala na mga pictures. naka-virus sa SD card ko and naka-waterdamage (deba?) sa camera. 

All of my pictures will be coming from elder wells lol. 

I'm also waiting for my DL to send me the video of my performance that I talked about before. Either way for those who don't know, I bought a ukulele because it was pwede to have music in our homes and such so I learned one of my favorite songs on it and performed it at the Missionary Christmas conference. 

I'm still waiting for it  so it might be another week until I get the video sent. but It was a good performance and I made a bunch of people cry that were leaving including our AP elder Swan who was so not ready to go home (to a point he extended his mission 2 cycles longer because he is that perfect of  a missionary and also could because he is from Fiji and its easy to extend your visa if you're from there apparently :P 

Either way, Just an update from me, I'm still going strong and having a fun time here! I shares a few wise words from me that I will share to y'all. (most of it came from Swan Actually but I kinda repeated them to fellow elders and sisters in my zone and that I have grown close to)

"If you are not feeling the spirit right now then you're doing something wrong and need to repent. even in all the craziness of this night" 

"also if you are not having fun on your mission while obeying all of the mission rules then you're really doing something wrong"

Tapos ko. 

-Elder Powell 

P.S. I will email more on Monday I promise! this week was just a little busy lol 

P.P.S. I have a lot of freaking Filipino friends now. lol

P.P.P.S. Mahal ko po kayo lahat heheheheeh 

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