Not much to update you guys on. I'm getting a new Companion, I'm still sick and doctors don't know what the heck is wrong with me so they just give me pain meds and tell me to like drop warm oil in my ears, and so on saying it will go away after a while.
It's still around though. We're giving it 3 more days and then I'm supposed to go to yet another hospital.
I haven't been able to work much but we actually found out a family we were teaching tried to attend church but couldn't as we were all in aparri that day. kinda funny. but they came the next week and the youth became best friends with the kids (even though one is straight up a bakla) and the wife just made like 230542045 new best friends with the strongest freaking relief society in the world.
Like seriously why is this place still a branch I've never seen a more active branch in my life in serving the Lord, Following Jesus Christ's example and loving their neighbors, inviting them along with us to come unto Christ, feel of his love and especially in bearing testimony of the Gospel, the Book of Mormon, and so on.
Alam ko na yung work na ito ay totoo. Sobra masay na ako dahil alam ko ng pagmamahal ng dios sa akin at sa inyong lahat. Press Forwards Saints with a steadfastness in Christ. Kaya mo na!
-Elder Powell
P.S. Mag-grrrrrrrrrr
P.P.S. a Iloco, Ag-Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
P.P.P.S I'll send pics later. I'll be back on at 2pm here to check transfer boards to see who the heck my companion is.
Fun fact. I'm doing better today. Hopefully this trend keeps up. So I finally got pictures, Found out who my new companion is, and I'm excited.
I'm getting assigned all the crazy companions apparently :) My new companion is going to be Elder Drake (who is again not Filipino?!? You would think by now I would have a Filipino companion ahahahah Jokes like 80% ng mission namin ay mga forigner) (love I si elder wells. I will miss him)
Either way just from sitting next to Elder Wells, I've been told that he is absolutely wild and a lot of fun to be with. So I'm honestly excited to be with him. The other scary thing about all of this... I'm the only one that knows the area now. Which means, I get to lead for the next 2 weeks or so until he gets associated with the area more. However still kinda scary, I've also worked in very minimal areas of literally the 2nd largest area in all of the mission (it literally takes 3 hours to go to the end of the mission in Baggao and also requires crossing a Zone and an entire are of another mission to get there because it's faster to get there through Santa Ana apparently than from where we are staying ( we need new elders there ah )
Jokes. Pictures Tayo!
If they will load....
Soo everyone. Kamusta po kayo?
I found out that a new spider man movie is coming out. I cant wait to watch it when i get home.
these computer shops have bad internet. lol .
ayon! It's here :)
Here you have Pancit Batil Patong. Masarap talaga!!! made by a member of the branch too. pretty awesome she is.

We went to a billiards hall walking back to say hi to an investigator there and there's just this 11 year old girl that walked in, took a table and freaking wowed everyone that was in there including the owner. She was straight up blowing everyone's mind with how good she was.
I got to leave my mission to see another doctor one day to Tugue :) Not often you get permission from your mission president to leave the mission for the day but when the next closest hospital in the mission is an 8 hour drive away, it's a little more logical to just take the 2 hour drive instead.
But one thing this city has that they don't have anywhere else is Greenwich pizza which is... don't laugh too much.... Real Pizza.
Pizza they sell here for the most part is sweet (like their spaghetti) but this place does real pizza with their cheese imported from a place that actually does dairy. It's like about Little Ceasers quality but it was right across the street from the doctors office so we stopped by it and got it to go. That was fantastic for me :)
A picture of me and wells (I'm kinda a mess because yeah a two hour drive in a zooming van while sick is hard but that is okay :) Still loving life and being a missionary :)
It's a city woah.

Also I found a giant spider but I didn't include that picture obviously... It's in my photo album if you want to bother seeing it. it was about the size of my hand just dangling off of the roof of some persons house.
However in our area we noticed this complex completed being built and I was like (oh that would be a nice mission house)
Also we totally love the Rice growing here. ITS SO GREEN AHH
While talking to a Less Active, she said that we needed to feed Si Monkey... so we did before the bagio hit and rained out the rest of the day....
The other elders had a Baptism which was cool but we didn't. that's okay though. It's still awesome. He had been attending church for 3 months now and wanted to be a member but just needed the lessons. So he took them, received it well and truly gained a testimony. Beautiful talaga.
For those wondering how they do drinks to go, Here soda and other drinks are still done with glass bottles that are reused and refilled by the companies here to save on waste (ish) so to return the bottles, they just dump the soda in bags and give you a straw.
A recent convert family of Elder Wells (who is transferring to become ZL in Batoc) this family (and Nay for the most part) is like an amazing gal who after being baptized, became the 1st councilor in the Relief Society Presidency here. She has a strong love for the gospel and the rest of the family followed her example after seeing the changes in her life in following the example of Jesus Christ and his Gospel and Church. We are teaching her daughter (on the left) and her kids love being apart of Youth and Primary. It all is apart of how happy I am to be in such a strong branch with wonderful members with a strong testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ himself, and the happiness of it all.
To finish it all of. We went back to araw araw cave which was super awesome even though I couldn't do the whole trail (because ya know. I'm still sick lol) and stayed behind with our Branch President and Clerk who took us (and my companion duh). But that's okay it's still awesome there.
Yall are probs asleep but that's okay. Love you all. Sleep well. Enjoy me telling how my week went in pictures. Sorry I take a lot. It's fun here and I want to capture every moment of it even if a majority of it is just me lying in a bed trying to get better. Love the Gospel. Love you guys.
-Elder Powell