Tuesday, March 5, 2019

First Baptism

Not much to say this week. also no pictures. Computer lab wont accept it... sorry. I'm going 6 months into my first area though which is wild. there's only 3 from my batch now that have still not been transferred yet since coming in. It's wild. But everyone from my batch that is in the Zone is still staying for one more cycle. Outside of all of this, I'll keep things short. 

1: I have MY FIRST BAPTISM!!! It's this one family that I've been teaching this whole past cycle. The whole family is amazing and the mom is super spiritually ready to become a disciple of Jesus Christ. She helps out in the primary often when she attends church and such with activities on other days. It's wild. 

2: I'm going 6 months in my first area. But I'm also super excited because we discovered a new area in a close barangay that missionaries have never been to. So we went to them and freak they are so awesome. One offered us Bicol Express which... I mean.... ANG SARAP SARAP!!! 

3: Take some time this week to think of the blessings that come from God for you and your family. For all such other things that you see as a trial, hard, or simply not pleasant, think of what you have learned from it for the better. Apply it into your life what life lesson that was and what you can do to try to never have to deal with that hardship again! 

4: The branch here says I really have the gift of tongues. I've been quite set with Tagalog this cycle and a lot of the members in the branch have been like "woah you can have a normal conversation with us" and I was like "shempre, Pinala ako ng dios sa kaloob ng wikas" Little do they realize it's only easy for me because they aren't good at Tagalog either because they all speak ilocano soooo. 

Mahal Kita ah! 

-Elder Powell

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