Tuesday, March 26, 2019

First Face-time of the year


Hello everyone.

We had a wonderful week this past week and all things are crazy .

Speaking of crazy my companion is flying to manila in about 2 hours so that's crazy. He's coming back though on Tuesday, just going there to work on visa stuff. Other than that, I'm still alive, overcoming some problems with more viruses and a possible second sinus infection but I've just been pushing through and working hard as well as loving everyone!! 

We had a total of 4 investigators show up (we have two families attending church now) but none of them can actually get baptized because the moms aren't married and the dad's don't want to get married. So we are planning on teaching them the next few days about an eternal love that means so much more for a family. It's all one giant part member family that lives in the whole complex here that we are teaching in and 2 of the members are fully active (one's the branch clerk and the other is in the Young Womens presidency) so that's great support for them. Just working on concerns and all is hard. But strong. 

Church is true. No pictures to add sorry. I'm going to be Face-timing my family hopefully instead today which would be fantastic for me kasi I miss them a lot. 

-Elder Powell 

P.S. Elevated water pipes aren't good at piping water 

P.P.S. Sing a good song today and you will feel the love of your savior!!! My promise to you all this beautiful Monday morning/ Sunday evening at home) 

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