Saturday, June 1, 2019

A Lovely Day to You

Philippines Olongapo Mission* wait no Oficina.....************

A wonderful start to a hectic week

So It's been another beautiful week in the mission! Super super stressful but I've learned how wonderful my calling is and how happy I am for all the things in my life even if it is super stressful at times. From delivering packages to all the missionaries in the area to making sure people have everything as they transfer to my wallet getting stolen, loosing my favorite companion as well, and so on. It's been a super wild week for sure! Of all of these things to happen to my life this past week, I was simply reminded of the wonderful things of the Lord and what he does for us every day to keep us safe, obedient, and happy! What else would such a loving Heavenly Father do to us? Leave us on a planet and then just ignore us? NOPE! His love is so infinitely beyond perfect that I cant' even describe every little detail that I have seen in my life showing his love for me and you!!! We truly do have a Heavenly Father. He is a God! Our God! He lives! Jesus Christ lives as well! He was the best gift I've ever received in my life for every birthday I've had, event to celebrate, Christmas to enjoy, Halloween to spook, Thanksgiving to thanks, April Fools day to have an excuse to buy candy, Election to vote, and so on..... Basta siya talaga ang pinakamagandang kalooban sa buhay ko! (basta he's just the best gift in my life) (there is no translation for Basta.... it's just.... a word in tagalog.... sori ah!)

First Off

My wallet got stolen :) It had my drivers license, My temple recommend, a special 1 dollar bill that was folded into the shape of a heart (sorry Elder Perez....) and also ALL OF MY MONEY so that was not fun. Me and Peterson went working the other day (because you know the office elders actually work big surprise!) and while we were teaching a wonderful lesson to someone I had set my wallet aside while pulling out my scriptures and forgot about it there. at the end I was gathering all my other stuff back in my bag and then we left. Well it turned out, while I was teaching, A kid came and snatched it quietly so much that I didn't notice that it was gone until we had returned to the Office and I was going to pull my money out to pay the tricy driver... BAM WALLET GONE. The kids played with it and lost it for sure....

But I know that God is looking after me always! Why? Because he gave me the great idea to pull personal money out and then on purposefully leave my Debit Card in my pocket instead of my wallet! So I still have that. Just one of the small things and actions that I knew was in reality inspiration to help me out in the future.

Second Off: Service!

I was super happy this week because we were able to have our first real service project! Service is something that I am always loving to do every day of my life but is sometimes hard to do here because people as much as they love to serve each other, also don't like accepting service because it makes them feel like they're dependent on others or weak or can't do things (which they totally can) and the second you try to help them they tell you to back off and then buy you a soda and some leftover spaghetti or some crackers or cupcakes....

...But we got to help clean up at the local elementary school so that was fun :)

I was grateful for the opportunity to actually go out and serve with the other missionaries here and the ward as well! The Bishop and Stake Patriarch both came and they are totally amazing and basically every person there has now become new people for us to teach as they see the example of Jesus Christ in our service and as one person there was saying to us "you guys just have a light of happiness that is so different from others? Just so happy all the time and willing to serve!" but then also said quickly afterwards "oh you guys are the Mormons" and she somehow lost her interest really fast. But still she saw that in us :) so that made me happy.

Third na, Uwie na sila :(

AHHHHHHHH all the missionaries left :( We lost a lot of amazing missionaries in the mission today as they all went home finishing their two years of service and I only cried once :') 

They were a fantastic example to me and many others in the mission of what it truly means to be an obedient missionary and still know how to have fun, make everyone in the world smile, and be a true disciple of Jesus Christ! They had such developed characteristics of humility, love, and charity for the people we serve in the Philippines Laoag Mission! I truly made some wonderful friends in which I know our relationships will last for the Eternities!!!!! (Even you Magturtur. Mamimiss kita talaga ;) ) 

That is about it though this week.

Your fresh looking always hugging crazy basically Pinakamagandang Filipino sa buong pilipinas,

-Elder Powell


P.P.S. Pictures for the week!!!!

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