Wednesday, June 19, 2019



Message: Don't Be a ooser!

Simple message that I am always trying to share with everyone here! Don't be a ⅃ooser
For Being one is  ame 
I realize I'm using the wrong hand. 

Simple lang :) 

Share Love and Peace and All things good

I will simply just share a few fun things that had happened this week (besides what everyone else thinks I'mma talk about) in that We had a very stressful week for sure. A lot of things have happened to our missionaries here in the Philippines Laoag Mission that are not the Happiest of things. Being in the office at that point has the requirement of taking care of these missionaries through these hard times as well. However, we were still blessed to have such a caring and wonderful President and Wife take care of the missionaries so well as we all here in the "behind the scenes" of the mission do our best in helping each individual missionary with their respective needs at the moment. I have a wonderful connection now with each and every missionary in this mission (even the ones I don't know completely yet) and It have always (and now truly have to say) made me feel the love of our savior with all the brotherly love he can give us. Our Heavenly Father's Love radiates so much too from our developing connections with others. Knowing that we are all Family and all truly connected in a way that can not be separated by any power in the entire universe, I am just always happy! Maraming Agyaman you! (oh that some good tag-ilok-ish) 

Be a well in the Fare

If someone is going home from their mission (for whatever reason) : Treat them with the best wellness you can in their Fare! 

Fare! I got a wonderful birthday Bresent today!!!!!

But yeah this is the Simon Family! Tatay and Nanay are both recent converts who have just been like "yo everyone! Come join this cool Gospel we have now! It's totally changed our lives for the better and made everything in our life happy!" and then BAM! 3 more people got baptized! They just kinda were like "we going to invite our entire family to become eternal and we are going to help all of our friends and so on" and like they just kinda have been turning our area into the most progressing area in the entire mission. The only problem we have with this is that we work in the office for 9 hours a day and can usually only get out to work there and teach and serve people about 4 hours in the day... But the members here have just been amazing for sure. They know exactly what we need and they just bangin working so hard for us helping their ward and their neighbors in Ministering, Fellowshiping, and testifying at all times of the Awesomeness of God and Jesus Christ! 

I can truly say that this was the best birthday ever!!!!! I was Blessed to have my first Baptism (as in I'm actually baptizing someone and not my companion ahahahah) on my 20th birthday!!! and it was AWESOME ya know who else awesome?!? Pauline and Justin! They saw the example their parents have and how much more awesome they are and cooler after becoming members and said "ya know what? I'ma follow this trend too!" and they did. They are super smart and cool people for sure and the ward helped them so well in making them feel at home and apart of the Family (along with one of our Stake High Councilors giving us a nice little ukulele serenade) 

Pizza is Amazing too I was also blessed superbly to have the Laoag 1C elders treat me to some Pizza Hut for my birthday that evening too after our day of work :) 

No I did not get a day off for my birthday ahahah working on my birthday was the real Joy of my birthday! This was just tasty especially at the end of such a hard day

That's all From me. Copy in, Copy out, I'll Mag-TTYL sa Susunod na Miyrkoles 

-Elder Powell 

P.S. Here is all the Shenanigans that's happened this past week :) 

P.P.S. Send me fun things that are happening in your life! I love stories!!! !!!!! 

P.P.P.S. I also like exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.P.P.P.S. We also Celebrated President's Birthday!!!!! We in the office (and with the help of Sister Peterson) spent way too much money to spoil him with some homemade Cheesecake and a super fancy catered Lunch :) (it was also MLC for all the Zone leaders and STL's) 

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