Monday, July 15, 2019

Marriage and so on

So p-day is on Monday and Wednesday and Friday for us today :) 

another fun update! 

First off, Mission Tour happened! It made everything super busy! super spiritual! 

also a lot of missionaries went home :) and new ones came in to replace them!!!! 

( I still don't have pictures of that yet ) 

Three Reasons why we split up our pday into Three:   

MAISA. Monday; It's our only free-ish day for the day #wednesdaydin

DUWA. Some person from Manila is coming up to do an Audit of our mission ðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒðŸ™ƒ 

ON OUR P-DAY (but we are still planning on doing laundry that day) 

TALO. We get to go to Ilocos Sur again!!! Those are our planned stuff for this week :) 

Other things too

Never did i think in my mission I would be telling families to get married but we did it to this one and they all got married :) 

But hey! 
Here's Kikay!!!
Here's Reggie!!!
Rollex, RJ, and Roselyn!!!!


This family has been attending church for almost 2 years now! found by some elders, the whole family knew that the gospel was true! They had a family, the family was strengthened, and their lives were blessed immensely! However, Brother and Sister were not yet married as they are always running a little low on the dough. For over 2 years missionaries and ward members have helped them out to try to get them married and baptized but they were always running short. in the end, we kind of just looked at the situation and asked "what would help this family overcome the problems they are going through?" of such we came to a solid understanding of what we needed to teach them. 

"Finances and Budgeting" 

Dude were Finance and Supplies Office Missionaries you would think we would learn a thing or two about budgeting and saving up money.... We also taught the word of wisdom to brother Rolly who had a small problem still there in which we simply showed him how much money he would save by simply not buying the drinks and when it comes to saving money, he learned to save alright hahahah. they are super amazing and some of my favorite friends that I have ever met. it also helps that the ward just loves everyone that walks into the doors that they are willing to put this whole wedding together for this family. what a wonderful day it was :) 

Not much else going on. 

Next week na lang :) 

-Elder Powell 

P.S. Pictures Pa ahhhh  

Mission Tour

all The ReAlly fuN balitaS na For rEalz mangyayaRi dito Sa oficina NA 

(did u see my message?) 

So to sum things up, We had a wonderful week of Mission Tour! 

Yeah so mission Tour happened :) It was wild for sure but we learned a lot there about the importance of our testimony, Finding, Working with members, and so on! One of my favorite things that was shared from Elder Schmutz being here was through his testimony about Joseph Smith and how important it is to have people know that he is truly a Prophet of God, An important man, and has done more good to the world than any other man in history save it be Jesus Christ of Nazareth himself!!!!

So I'll just rant and look a lil crazy here sharing this:

Call me crazy but I know for a fact that 14 year old saw God. He saw our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in all of their glory! In terms of me understanding his story really well I was dawned to think about Joseph Smith's reactions and expectations he had with his "spiritual awakening" where he realized that Heaven is Close, They are close and wanting to listen and that we simply just need to talk to them! When I think about Brother Joseph Smith as a 14 year old kid who read a couple verses out of James chapter 1, I decided to follow there again. That chapter I was able to understand again that Patience is to simply let him do it's work, being humble and accepting whatever our answer is that comes from Him, and most importantly, HE WILL ANSWER! He will answer all of your prayers! Some take time, sometimes he tells us many times and we don't accept to see it the first 4480321528 times or so. BUT HE WILL ANSWER! Thinking about this new knowledge of Joseph Smith, he had all the expectation that Heavenly Father himself and Jesus Christ would answer his question. However I'm also guessing that he totally did not expect that they would just show up right above him and tell him directly. However of all the situation that the world was in back in 1820, I also know that if he were to receive his answer in any other way, Jesus Christ would have not been able to restore his church on this earth. All of this I know is true! (oh yeah baby)

But hey that's not me if you don't believe me that's okay because you are you a son/daughter of a God :) 
 and literally can do almost anything you want to in the world (to the extent of the consequence that would lead you to death)
Wait whaaaaat thuuuuuuuuuu
Other Things Totes

Some Really cool things to happen there was that I found out that I am very closely (but in all sense) related and also not related to Elder Schmutz! 

How is that Possible? 
 That makes everything possible in the world :)  
His brother is married to my Mom's Cousin.

I hit landfall to Lahat of the Mission!!!!!

That's another fun goal I accomplished today! I got to travel to every single area in the mission!!!! Some were just a drive by, others I stopped at the missionary apartment, and others I was doing a lot there to get to know the area. But on the way back to Laoag City from the Cagayan part of Mission Tour I got to stop in Lasam and Ballesteros to drop off supplies! It was super exciting to get everything touched just to say I've been there. The mission is big tho so like there is that :) 

That's all 

-Elder Powell 

P.S. It's Transfers! We are getting a new Finance elder here so that's cool! His name is Elder Higginbottom from California. He is super cool. (But also another American companion for me...) Will I go my whole mission with only 1 Filipino Companion here? Find out in 6 weeks when I train my replacement! 

P.P.S. Another great set of scriptures! Ether Chapter 12! It's a great one :) 

Friday, July 5, 2019

Vlog and another Baptism

June 25, 2019

So I'm not going to be able to send anything fun out this week or next week because of traveling and so on. We have mission tour coming up :) President Schmutz is coming to the mission and I get to do a lot of things there :) So ttyl. Here's some pictures from the week. They were all taken on Saturday because we totally just took the camera and called it good. But to sum up the week...

we did a lot of teaching and visiting and ministering and we got 2 whole families to come to church so that was fantastic! other things we went to a 14 year olds birthday party on accident while going to an appointment but we joined for a few minutes and took pictures there (because again we had the nice camera today) especially because our appointment was there.... 

I also made a Vlog with my companion for funzies. it was fantastic. 

I just finished facetiming with my family and especially with a few special guests (my grandpa and Grandma Groberg as well as a few aunts uncles and cousins so that was fantastic!!!!) 

yen lang salamat



-Elder Powell

So we get a tiny bit of time today to send a quick follow up for what this week is going to become and what fun things happened :) So to be fast, we had another baptism! This is Angelica Dela Cruz  who first 
Approached us to get baptized,
Knew everything,
and was the one asking us to get baptized.
So she did. We did our Job :)

We also taught all the youth! It was the 5th Sunday and all the adults wanted to be there for that so yeah we were in charge of teaching them all. there was a lot...

(fun fact there are three in there that are not members. the Youth just invited their friends and they all came and loved it!! It makes our Job easier when the members do the Finding and we only have to teach)
other things:

I made a new friend and he is very pogi.

And a Jump for Joy :) we had fun!!!!

Our Bishop is so awesome :) 

That's all! We have president Schmutz coming later today so were all doing our best to make sure the office is in good shape, A zone activity today, and a lot of other things to do to prepare for tomorrow with the whole week us traveling and so on :) We will be taking lots of pictures dont worry :) :) :) 

Love y'all

-Elder Powell

Keepy-Uppy with your formative assessments!

 Active learning as a whole:  As Bandit would say, "active learning is the bee's knees!" (typical Aussie dad moment), Not only...