Monday, August 19, 2019

We gucci here - Visitors Welcome


Don't worry everyone we are okay here. Typhoon Falcon is no match for the faith of this mission!!! The people here are hard working and diligent! As a culture here people are very good at recovering and being better than before. They rebuild and replenish from whatever storm hits them with the biggest smile in the world and a happy smile always! 

-Elder Powell

P.S. I've experienced monsoon storms worse than this ahahahah 

P.P.S. It wasn't even that bad it just brought a lot of rain that made the farmers here happy because now their rice has water :) 

P.P.P.S. We actually went on splits with members because we are a trio and our area really needs another companionship so we have us two and then the other two work in another part of our area. We have 8 baptisms happening this Saturday so that's awesome :) 

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - VISITORS WELCOME

So one of the funniest things that I've been hearing from some people that we meet is that they don't feel like they are welcome to attend church with us and every thing like it's only for members to go there or some sort of shenanigans. Sooooo I totally just kinda say "don't listen to the hater speaking to your heart" and then when they come I just kind of point out the sign. 
I don't know how else to point out that ALL are welcome here without just pointing out that every church has a sign somewhere on it or close to it that says in a really nice font. 
V I S I T O R S  W E L C O M E 

So yeah. Don't you dare be afraid to walk into one of those buildings and feel the love of Christ ;) thanks! 

Fun fact the official font for the name of the church is called TGC Deseret


When I say that you come into our Chapels and attend church, don't be surprised when they might say that you come in as a visitor and come out a member ahahah. But like totally. When you enter the church, most the time you will be able to recognize that it's a different one than others, a better one. One with the feeling that is right :) 

Only other thing that happened is that I got a sakit in my chan. (sickness in my stomach)

God is good everyone. I hope you all have a blessed week and let me know how things go with life. Love you and miss you all so much! 

Remember that the only thing you need to fear is fear itself and also spiders.

-Elder Powell

Send me stuff from America!!!! :)

Philippines Laoag Mission
Elder Joseph Powell
#50 Buttong, Airport Ave.
Laoag City, Ilocos Norte 2900

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