Monday, August 19, 2019

Another Wild One M8

Hello one and all from every corner of the world! I'm alive and well :)
Our apartment got 3rd place too for being the 3rd cleanest apartment in the mission!!!
our prize was a toilet plunger hahahaha   

Other than that...

Mission Zone Conference!

We had our mission conference which was basically just us spending a week delivering packages, attending 2 conferences, and me hitting my final bucket list! 

Truly hitting every corner of the mission!!!!

That's right! We were given a task during our journeys to pick up two desks from an area that closed in our mission a while ago and bring them over to Aparri! those desks were in fact, IN FLORA :) Flora is a town that is out in apayo which is a province that currently doesnt have any missionaries in! President Peterson explored having 2 missionaries in one of the closer by towns there but after 6 months, the area closed again. But it's still in our mission so we were blessed with the opportunity to go pick up the desks and get to see every part of the whole mission! Outside of that, We also got to go to Santa Ana again! This time we were getting them a working washing machine as well as looking around for a place that could work as a better hotel for us to stay in :) there are some pretty interesting hotels in Cagayan that are a little bit sketchy but while we were delivering our washing machine, we realized that there is like over 20 resorts in Santa Ana that all are probably decked out and nice rooms! So we explored a little bit and found a resort that was not only 20 times better than the ones close by, but ALSO CHEAPER like what the heck? 

Sadly none of the pictures turned out because it was raining the whole time. like literally the entire week we were there there was not a single day of sunshine hahahaha but we're all okay with that. The rice fields need it :) 

Missionary Stuff This Week
Outside of that, we weren't able to work much so the week was a bit of a bummer. but there's this one family we started to go to that is very good at listening and a tatay that is very good at explaining how he needs to work on Sundays to feed his family. so we did another wacky pull up our sleeve and told him that God would never put you in a situation where you would have to break his commandments to keep your family fed. It was a little ballsy to say that to him but sometimes when you get tired of someone saying how they can't get Sundays off over 6 times but that the kids are totally free to go to church whenever, you just kind of have to be direct with them. I promised him if he is to attend church that God will provide for his family and give them food on the table that day! We'll see how that goes. But I have my faith that a miracle will happen.  (BTW rumor has it that there's a law here in the Philippines where it is required that if you request Sunday off to go to church, the company or person hiring you has to respect it or else the country will fine the company or person like super crazy so for those fellow missionaries out there needing a way to help your friends get to church, try telling them that! but not how I worded it because this is just an understanding what people have told me. not what I have actually researched) 
We also ate at our favorite chicken inasal! It was really good and our favorite worker took another picture with us :) 

Here's all the photos that are semi decent even though the camera is half broken and constantly foggy because of the 100% humidity and rain :) 


-Elder Powell

Send me stuff :) 

Philippines Laoag Mission
#50 Buttong, Airport Ave. Tangid Junction Road
Laoag City, Ilocos Norte 2900

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