Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Lots of Video Chatting

HI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The office is going to be pure Americans now. This is wild. I've experienced more white culture on the mission than my whole past life in elementary, middle, and high school. And to better define "White Culture" I'm meaning like every apartment I have lived in has always been 3 Americans and 1 Filipino. One cycle it was 2 Filipinos but elder Ballan and Corachea are better at English than I am so It's kind of hard to beat that. Last cycle it was 4 Americans and 1 Filipino, and now this cycle it's going to be 5 Americans. So that's crazy :) 

hehehe but I'm chill with whatever. I can honestly tell you it's God's will for sure to have such scenarios happen to me :) 
Things are still great here :) I'm alive and doing all well heheheh 

Also my grandpa got a new hip and can already walk! He has a cane for support but almost treats it like nothing because of how awesome and masipag he is! He also talked to one of our elders here (Elder Vaea) who is from Nukualofa Tonga and then they just casually started speaking Tongan to each other and Vaea giddied like a girl so happy to see and talk to him. It was the first time I've seen him fangirl about something. My family is awesome!
Today was a great day :) 

Elder Powell

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