Sunday, October 27, 2019

A month plus of updates


So This is going to be another small week. Im'ma do a Q and A with like maybe one old picture to share because, 

1. There were some Emergency Transfer 
2. I got a new companion and working in an open area (well half of it was my current area and then we just got 2 barangays from the AP's area) 
3. I'm not in the office anymore :) 

and so on. 

Just send me questions for me to answer and next week I will explain things a bit better :) Thank you!!!!! 




  Outside of that, We taught a lot of people, none of them progressed but it was fun :) We also did a fun run on Saturday and we helped a family come back to church and Elder H got to baptize their daughter. it was great to see the family completed and now hopefully they'll be set more on the temple. It's a process though of course :) 

Also I am very thankful that my family, through priesthood power coming from God himself as restored in our time, will be a forever family that we'll all see each other on the other side of life :) Perfect and happy, but still the one and only Powell family!!! Love my mom and my dad so much for all they did to raise me to be like Jesus and follow his example even though I am a very pasaway person sometimes... I'm thankful for repentance and the process that helps us become better and new people to truly begin a new and seeing life in a better perspective through the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ! He is our savior and redeemer!!! 

That's about it. 
Here's photos for the week :)

We also did a fun run :) President Peterson did it too which was so funny but a lot of fun too!!!

Sorry being a missionary that is working on college applications is hard, especially 
when it's been the first week in like months that you have really. But I can tell you, if you haven't had a chance to watch General Conference, please listen to our living prophet Russel M Nelson! He is super awesome and gave me so much inspiration to follow the spirit and live especially the first two and great commandments in my life!

in a very simple way put:

1. Love God 
2. Love Others  

Alright now everyone go do that and maybe you will have as much success in life as reported from President Russel M Nelson of the start of the LDS Charities. :) 

Imma keep working on this application. New area in Pagudpud has been fun! We have a lot of progressing and new people we are teaching! It's great and we will be keeping you updated on life as I gain more time on P-day to actually send emails and not work on college applications. Love you all!

We had a fun district activity :) here's more pics 

-Elder Powell

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