Saturday, February 8, 2020

Awesome super cool Email

I was told to do a super awesomely cool email because my parents told me to do so. 

So I guess that is what I will do 🤘👏

So in a long line of fun things going on, First off, HAPPY NEW YEAR! If it's anything that people really celebrate here, it's the new years. They will go all out and a lot of people here will celebrate the New Years more than they will their Christmas. Of all I think is pretty wild. But it was still a super fun occasion to enjoy seeing all the cool fireworks from a locked apartment that we weren't able to go out of. It was also very hard to do any missionary work in terms of finding and going door to door like we usually do (ya know the whole process) 

A large majority of people here were out drunk or working in the bukids as shown in the picture above with the replanting (all of this rice was replanted just 2 days before this picture was taken which was of course... Christmas day...)

So unlike most other realistic problems that most missionaries have on this beloved set of holidays such as Christmas and New Years, we had the exact opposite and yet however, the same problem.... Everyone was just in the bukid for replanting since it's that season. Thankfully, the replanting here ends next week which means that people will be available to teach and have time for their overly large amounts of excuses that they have to not listen to us besides saying whatever religion they are currently inactive in. But it's been super nice getting to know everyone here though. I've enjoyed my time with each person getting to know their life, what their family is like, where they all live, how the weather is, their interests, jobs, schooling, and so on. Getting to know each and every person on an individual basis here sa Pagudpud is super amazing. I've really felt some of the gifts of the Holy Ghost work within me (and my companion hopefully... ewan ko sa kanya hahaha 😂🙃 joke lang) as promised in chapter 10 of Moroni. 

Other fun things that have been going on even with 2 months of no one coming to church was to getting to really know our Branch President and their stories and Spiritual Treasures as our beloved prophet President Russell M Nelson has said in his last talk. The gifts and power of the priesthood that has blessed us in every single way that you may never know. I've really come to understand the priesthood though. What it is, how it works, and why it is important in every way shape and form. I've come to understand such things by reading specifically President Russell M Nelson's talk "Spiritual Treasures" as he gave in the last general conference. I would suggest all to really study and understand all that is said there. Tips and things to think about and pray about to receive revelation: Temple Sealings, The importance of the wife and where her power comes from, the difference of having priesthood power and priesthood keys. 

Also in my personal study, I've been working well in finding the names and parts of the Plan of Salvation as said in the introduction of the Book of Mormon which I have started over again to work with our upcoming year of "Come Follow Me". I've really noticed what wonderful ways to describe such a perfect plan (perfect being one of the names) 

We still working though. If you all want to help us out, we head out of our apartment and pray at 9-10am almost every day and are out from then until 9pm every single day. At home that's 6pm for y'all. If you want to be apart of our work and help us out in such ways, a prayer coming from you guys would be a great thing to receive. You can pray specifically at 6pm so that you are praying at the same time as us. We have an entire branch here doing that too. But that's up to you all ;) Thank you for all you guys do though in showing your love and support for us. I hope you all have good goals set up for your year. Sorry I'm not goochie at English again. It was never my strong suit. I realize I should really be keeping that up since we are actually teaching people English here as part of our service to people so... hahahahahahahah 

Okay bye. TTYL next week

-Elder Powell

Philippines Laoag Mission
#50 Buttong, Airport Ave. Tangid Junction Road
Laoag City, Ilocos Norte 2900

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