Saturday, February 8, 2020

Christmas and a Happy New Year


It's 2020 in two days!!! We're really good at inviting a lot of people to church and then they all don't come. So we're working on having the Holy Ghost be more convincing and there when we invite them all. That's the real key in getting them to come. So we will try hard :) Outisde of that, we are really enjoying our time here in the Philippines (especially Pagudpud) and the people here are super awesome. I love them all. I wouldn't ask for any better calling than to be here sharing such a great testimony to people about the Church of Jesus Christ coming back to the world! Like it's amazing and I'm super thankful for the blessings of love and Eternal life to be spiritually born again back in the presence of our Heavenly Father :) 

If y'all want some good things to read, I enjoyed reading this week

2nd Nephi Chapter 9
James Chaper 3
Ether Chapter 12
Book of Omni
the entire book of Joshua. (this one isn't worth the whole read but there are some good parts. it's just a lot of people killing other people to save you the drama) 

That's all :) I've never realized how precious time is in life until coming here. I only have 8.5 months left... It's really crazy so I'm really learning to manage and use all of my time to the best to help as many people as I can! Time is a special gift of God ;) USE IT WISELY

-Elder Powell

Philippines Laoag Mission
#50 Buttong, Airport Ave. Tangid Junction Road
Laoag City, Ilocos Norte 2900

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