Saturday, February 8, 2020

Christmas Presents


Welcome to Pa-Good-Pood
(it's kinda like Pa-Good-Food but the food here could always do better with a little more cheese)

Present number 1: (My new comp Elder Hunsaker)

Present number 2: So I'm a little late writing this email because we were surprised by this one tatay in our branch who decided to take us out to explore Pagudpud and some of it's beautiful areas. It's super beautiful!!!
Speaking of our branch we had a total of 23 people attend and our speakers didn't show up either, so we ended up having a 30 minute sacrament meeting and no class. it was so weirddddd ngl. Lot's of people were just out of town visiting family so we will hopefully see them next week along with some people who were committed to come to church and said they would go with a bit more assurity than those who say it to just get us to leave. 

Present number 3: We also talked to over 116 people this week and invited them all to go. Something I like about my new companion. He just invites everyone no matter who they are and whether they have any interest in us or not. Lot's said yes and that they will try so we will see how that goes :)

 Present number 4: We are going to try to just have the branch members bring people for us by having them just invite all they know to come to church!! I'll let you know how this works. It'll be nice to have some members help out hopefully if they can.

Present number 5: My new companion (again) Elder Hunsaker is super super awesome. From Logan Utah and this man KNOWS his memes so we really enjoy each other's company :) He is also fond of sitting which is great when finding because people will just sit us down and then we can share to them regardless of their interest or not. Basta we invited.

Present number 6: Another fun thing about this week is one day I was like "wanna meet all our neighbors?" and then we just went door to door from our house down the street talking to literally everyone and inviting them to church. It was fun to really get to know them for sure. I'm just going to hope we can teach some of them or if not, get to at least know others and make some good relationships here with the people so they know we aren't weird. 

Other fun fact! We have a Swiss guy (our landlord) and some Australians live on our street/neighborhood. We would have never known that if we never went finding down the street! It was awesome. That's about it. Y'all don't forget the reason for Christmas! 

Present number 7: *Ahem Jesus*

Be like him and you will already be a happier person. I can promise you all that regardless of your beliefs or not. It's just a fact that I can testify to everyone. What a wonderful present that Jesus Christ gave to us all that we may all use his Atonement to really change our lives and become better. Always improving, always feeling loved. No bad thing can even take me down anymore because of it and it makes me just feel lots of Joy and happiness all the time that never goes away. It's like Pizza but it never runs out :) 

Love you all! Naimbag a Pascua!!

P.S. My pinky toe nails fell off :) It was weird because I was just showering and then noticed that my toe nails just kinda were almost off and then while on my bed messing with my toes it was like "pop" and the nail was gone... It doesn't hurt at all but it's really weird. Hopefully they will grow back :) 

-Elder Powell
here's all the photos btw hahaha 

Philippines Laoag Mission
#50 Buttong, Airport Ave. Tangid Junction Road
Laoag City, Ilocos Norte 2900

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