Saturday, February 8, 2020

Malalalalalaguayyyeeen Puweskoh


So I don't have to much to share. Work here has been hard but exciting pa rin. 

I'm getting a new companion! Elder Hunsaker! He's way into memes so if my next 7 weeks of emails are meme based, I'm not sorry. Also Merri Christmas.

That's about it. I'm a little upset because I lost my SD card with all my photos so I won't have any pictures for the next few weeks until I get a new one. 

I don't know if I have shared this before but yeah this happened a while ago. it was great. We almost had siopao for dinner.

Love you all! I'll make sure to write more next time and really kuwento about the good things of life and overly dramatize it all so that you are all on the edge of your beds in excitement as you are reading this off of luxury smartphones wondering what will happen to the adventurous Elder Powell as he brings others closer to Christ by teaching about the Restored Gospel and inviting others to keep commitments to repent and be Baptized! Fighting for his religion, his God, and his many blocks of imported cheese that he bought in Laoag to make Macaroni and Cheese often :) 

With lots of Pictures too ;)

-Elder Powell

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