Saturday, February 8, 2020

Episode VIII The Flooding


 So we had a super super awesome christmas conference! Pics here --->

and It was fun! I did the Haka that my companion taught to everyone! we spent the night at Fort Ilocondia which is like straight up just beautiful and perfect in every way. lots of spiritual growth and love (and 2 packages from home) and I celebrated Christmas early :) 

only to come home to...

our apartment getting flooded as well as our entire area...

but we still went out and worked as much as we could without getting us sick. 
We saw many blessings come from it in seeing the love our Heavenly Father has for all people. It's really big. like super super super big. almost as big as the lake that formed around our church ;D 

I got to go to church in sandals/barefoot!!! Our meetinghouse got flooded but our branch president and other members were like "this is nothing" and then just said we are going to wear sandals so the whole branch came and wore sandals and rain boots to wade through the flooding water. It was fun :) only like 30 people showed up though and none of the people we are teaching came either which was sad but we're working hard on finding and helping new people come unto Christ by just not wasting our time on people that won't progress or have a desire... Like our purpose is to find people that want to. not friends that don't want to LOL 

So that's like it. Love you all :) How you all doing back at home? Would love to hear from ya ;) 

--oh the last few pictures in the drive and an update for what is going on today, My filling in my tooth fell out while eating eggplant and rice... so I'm in Laoag getting that filled back up again. 
Update for everyone: dude that hurt a lot. They didn't use any numbing medicine and just went straight to the drill...

But I can bite again :) 

-Elder Powell

Philippines Laoag Mission
#50 Buttong, Airport Ave. Tangid Junction Road
Laoag City, Ilocos Norte 2900

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