Saturday, February 8, 2020

Bagyos and Work


We had two bagyos hit pagudpud and so on. We still worked a lot and then nothing happened with new people that came to church. So we are looking for new people to invite to come unto Christ, repent, and follow his gospel and receive his ordinances from proper authority. It's hard I'll be honest and I lost a few pants from all the walking, Filipino squatting, and crisscross sitting on cement ground and dirt but it's all worth it really. We are working hard here and working to have the spirit in all of our lessons. making our teaching better, making all better in our doings. But of course, with the atonement of Jesus Christ. Like a simple phrase that this one sister missionary said that I really enjoyed from a Zone Conference, (not exact words but what I kinda heard from it) 

"In missionary work it is a lot of trial and error. It's a lot of goal setting and goal failing and re-setting and over and over and sometimes it can seem overwhelming and overbearing to do such every day of the week for 2 years or 18 months straight. However, that's why the atonement of Jesus Christ is so important and why we need it every day. because the comfort that you feel from the Holy Ghost at the end of every day as you work hard and put your best, our Heavenly Father can then share his love for you and it makes it as if there is nothing wrong. Everything that you did was right and so on and his love just overwhelms you with such a good feeling that you know you are loved by him. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is what makes it all connect. the hard work, the hard times, homesickness, and so on. When you have the Atonement play in effect, you will understand and be able to do literally everything" 

That's about it. I'll send pictures and stuff in two weeks :) We have Christmas Conference next week so we won't be emailing or stuff. And I will work on an early new year goal to take pictures every week and to share them all every week too since that's what it seems that people miss the most about me doing every week hahahaah. Thank you for everything! Love you all back at home! Take Care! Ingat! Spliengat! 


P.S. I'm going to be performing the Haka at Christmas Conference with my Companion. I'm excited :) 

P.P.S. IF you have had a chance to survey 9 lemurs, Would you do it? I could guarantee you that you will only get about 4 to say yes to taking the survey while the other 5 will refuse to. My dad told me so. 

P.P.P.S. that's all falks 

-Elder Powell

Philippines Laoag Mission
#50 Buttong, Airport Ave. Tangid Junction Road
Laoag City, Ilocos Norte 2900

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