Saturday, February 8, 2020

Opening another set of Horizons

Editor's Note: the pictures that were part of this email were blocked for some reason.

Not to wide though. Just right. 

So we worked HARD and even had the Zone Leaders come for a day to give us a push in our findings in the area and we found two moms who both just said "yeah we'll go to church" and then they went... They brought some of their kids and next time will bring their husbands and more kids. (they both have 7 kids like my parents do!!!) 

It was super awesome to have that happen and they loved their experience at church and are already planning on another return and to really learn about this gospel and the blessings that come from it. Even with the Power of the Book of Mormon which I know to be the word of God :) Yay!!!!

But then I got a transfer text yesterday morning and got super depressed too because I was now leaving such a beautiful area...

Then our branch president invited us to go to a fun birthday dinner with other members and we shared about Alma the Younger and how this little kid will become a great missionary like him someday for his birthday :P

But I'm going to Buguey with Elder Mamawag! Who is just in Bangui, the town right next to us, and also my District Leader. We are opening up the area again (which has been whitewashed or pulled out like 4 times now within the past year for some reason) but it's really exciting for us since we already know each other and are good friends for spending the past 4 and a half months together here in Bangui area. 

This picture is our area but you can see Elder Mamawag's area here in the background where the windmills and mountains are. 

But that is all :) Love you all!!! I'll send more pictures next week in a fun email about leading another open area again ;) 

Just remember,

Pugs not drugs!

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