Saturday, February 29, 2020

Bugueyyy Besh

There's like nothing out here
Well I'm in my new area with my new companion Elder Mamauag! First Pinoy companion that's not in a trio or because of Emergency transfers! It was nice to just be like "oh this is my companion and no surprise changes or things to happen" It made me super happy too because he is actually from Cagayan Valley so he is fluent in iloko and can speak it well to others. 

(it's raining) 

Our new area is Buguey. It's a small town out in Cagayan that's right on the shore so it's fun to be just that close to the ocean. However there's only been one day here so far that the sun has been out and that day is today so I don't have any pictures yet of the beach with a cool sun in it or something hahahaha. We're opening up this area again (it's the 5th time in a year that the area had missionaries pulled out and put back in) and with us and Elder Hall (who's companion is a missionary who just finished his training) knowing literally nothing about the area and the one elder who has the slightest bit of knowledge of the area not reaching our expectations. So it's a pretty solid open area again like Pagudpud. 

We just did pure finding and found lots of cool people who we're willing to listen to us.

This is our investigator who came to church. he's a 15 year old kid who's friend gave him a Book of Mormon and invited him to church and he just showed up dressed up right and everything and is half way through the book of Alma and told the branch president he really really wants to be a member. So we just said "what's the kulang?" and then he was like "oh the lessons. I haven't even been taught yet but he has a BGD for this Saturday so we are teaching him everything in 3 days and getting him interviewed this Thursday so he is ready on Saturday to get baptized (which is not the fastest we've had to teach someone before: refer to our baptism in Laoag of sis. Angelica Delacruz back in July)

He is excited to receive the priesthood so he can pass the sacrament on Sundays and even worked with us this last Sunday introducing us to some of his friends. 

We also got to go to (with no emphasis on a desire to go than that we were kinda forced to by the people as we were walking with our friend who is soon to be baptized, Allan to his house) an Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ) Evangelical Mission presentation where we learned about how the church preaches only from the Bible but also members do not have their own Bibles and only read their church magazines and go to church in weird looking buildings that look like Disney castles and where the men and women are separated. It's a weird religion but the best thing about it was that the pastor actually asked a lot of questions to us and I was able to share with him how this was completely voluntary and that we were spreading a message about families being eternal (but not to be competed with the nice snack that they gave out at the end).

That's all though. We out of time hahaha. Well just letting you know I'm going to be having a really fun time here for the next 6 weeks hopefully to be 6 months :) 

-Elder Powell

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