Saturday, February 29, 2020

Comfort of Gods love for the Singles out there

Editor's Note:
The photos did not come through on this email so there are just blank spaces where they should be.

I spent too much money on birthday presents and such

So we had a good week. It's been a lot of finding. But I've had two experiences that have really been interesting for me that I will share this week that both happened this day. 

1: So We were working in this one area and we saw this small road that went behind the elementary school and ran into only one house there in the end. I was determined to talked to the Nanay that was there and she invited us in an we talked to her only to find out... She has been living in Utah for the past 3 years but hated her experience there because of the Snow, Lack of time that you were allowed outside because of smog, and during her time, couldn't go home for her 5 siblings that all died while she was there. Even after touring the Temple grounds of Salt Lake, the Conference center, many other temples, and attending our church for 2 years, she was a devoted catholic who says she would never change. However in coming home, She started having dreams about her siblings who are on the other side of the veil. After she described it all, I finally got to her and told her exactly what those dreams meant and that we have a message for her about how to save her siblings from this separation and depression that she is feeling and with clarity that we know how she can see them again and for sure be with them for time and all eternity. As well as Elder Mamauag just going super deep with her about it all. But honestly we've never met a mom more hard headed than her to completely avoid all promptings of the spirit. So we just left. She was not ready at all. Reminded me that everyone has there own time to accept and no big miracle or temple visit or sight seeing wonder will convert us to the Gospel of Jesus Christ that has been restored to the earth. However, The Holy Ghost will. that's the only thing that can. Prophet Moroni talked about it too. It's the only way to know truth and it can help you know the truth of literally EVERYTHING. 

2: We ran into a Valentines Horror last Friday too. While working in a small area following up with our friend getting baptized this Saturday, we ran into a scene of a suicide of a 16 year old. He was dating a girl for 6 months but had a nasty breakup on Valentines day and the ex GF bullied him to the extreme that day and then next thing you know we were talking to the Aunt who informed the parents (who were abroad in Saudi and in Manila) and got free tickets from their bosses (who were very nice) to come straight home after such a tragic happening in the family. This person was also good friends with Allan. (who I talked about last week) It was kinda scarring for me to see the rope still there and everything... I really had a hard time getting my focus back after that but I had a good confirmation after something that a member shared in church that next day. 

3: So we have this American couple from Henderson Nevada who applied to be a senior couple but ended up not passing the medical requirements so they just kinda said "oh well" and then sold everything and moved here to the good ol beaches of Buguey Philippines. They're both converts to the church who got baptized back in 2007. But Sister Guss shared her experience in church too. After the first two lessons she said she was converted to two things about the gospel. 1: when baptized completely immersed in water by someone with priesthood authority, ALL sins will be washed away and it will be the only time in your entire mortal life that you will actually feel and be worthy to enter the presence of Heavenly father. But then in the second lesson about the Plan of Salvation, 2: Her and her husband John Guss could be married for time and all eternity in the holy temple of the Lord which brings them a for sure knowledge with no doubts or setbacks that they will be one happy couple and through the atonement of Jesus Christ, will be truly enjoying an eternal Happiness. Eternal Joy. Something they will have for FOREVER. 

Lol this church is so true. The spiritual confirmations I've received from Heavenly Father himself are too real to deny just like Joseph Smith's First vision.  I know this is Jesus Christ's church. All blessings are available to receive. All I'm doing is just inviting. Everyone else just does the rest. 

Cool Love you all. Pugs not Drugs. Life not strife.

-Elder Powell

Philippines Laoag Mission
#50 Buttong, Airport Ave. Tangid Junction Road
Laoag City, Ilocos Norte 2900

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