Saturday, February 29, 2020

Paint Job

So our apartment this week has gotten a paint job

:) It makes the place look like tusghaeo245t592804593584wu times better

Outside of that we had another week of finding people willing to listen to us. We found a few who were super interested and really understood our message and willing to act upon their faith to try* to come to church. 

*Emphasis on try...

*no one showed up...

But it's another open area and the only person we were left with is amazing. He's committed to get his family to come to church with him after seeing his friends at church with their families. His parent's are super welcoming whenever we are showing up to their house and call his kid crazy because sometimes when he doesn't have a ride to church he will just walk 6 kilometers all the way... Parent's are loaning him a Motor though so he has a ride which made us pretty happy. 

We're getting people to work with us, including some of the youth who were super excited to work with us and show up around to their friends they knew.  

But this is about it. Also our buddy Alan got baptized too! He's the one in green on the left. 

Love you all. I'll just leave with a simple testimony for you all about missionary work. Simply to state, this work is not something I particularly enjoy all the time. Walking ridiculous distances, learning 2 languages at the same time, just to tell people their lives will change if they act on their faith to come to our church, all of it is VERY HARD. However I've taken great peace and joy from my companion who has helped me to understand that it doesn't matter how many people hate us and what we do, how mean people are, whatever they say and gossip about us. That doesn't mean that this work isn't true. Such work for the Lord was never meant to be easy. But there are three promises in the Book of Mormon. 
1 Nephi 3:7, Ether 12:6, and Ether 12:27. 

Simply put;
 Nothing is impossible
Rest only comes after the work
You have to work out to become strong

Bunch of motivational things. Basta, The Book of Mormon is true. There is no other book that can give you more comfort and love than this book.

Love you all 

-Elder Powell

Philippines Laoag Mission
#50 Buttong, Airport Ave. Tangid Junction Road
Laoag City, Ilocos Norte 2900

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