Friday, March 3, 2023

Khan and Google Classroom

Khan Classrooms 

So I have one simple meme that I think works perfectly with how Khan is viewed by many educators: 

Simply put, Khan made an outstanding program for self-guided learning for public use and domain. I appreciate his effort and those who donated to his program to give us the learning material we needed to understand the basics of many topics across the board. It can be confusing to navigate sometimes, and its material while going through each lesson can seem a little mundane to listen to the same style of teaching every time. Because of this, I think it is also important to use other material that is similar but also just as effective to teach. Programs such as Crash Course, Vi-Hart, and more on youtube and online (make sure they are authentic and credible) provide variety in how they teach the material to the general public and depending on the student, it could provide a better avenue for them. giving them options is ideal. 

GOogLe ClAssRooOMs

TBH I prefer canvas more than Google Classrooms. It might be more because I am just more used to using Canvas, but Google Classrooms seems less than a classroom and more of just a glorified google form. It's a little tacky, and unappealing in terms of creative structure, and navigation. BUT I will say, if you need a free platform to teach an unofficial classroom setting, (I.E. Non-Profit, or a simple public domain class) Then this is a really good option to teach. I would highly suggest it. I don't really have much more to talk about regarding google classrooms though. 

Off to go learn something new :) 

1 comment:

  1. I agree that canvas is preferred over google classroom! I think it nice to use canvas because everything is right there! I found when using google, the link to the google forms doesn't automatically show the responses and scores. On canvas, you can create quizzes that you can automatically see. I also like that you listed more sights similar to khan academy! Thank you!


Keepy-Uppy with your formative assessments!

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