Wednesday, January 9, 2019

New Years War Zone

Yello Po. This week has been interesting. So new years happened, It was a legit war zone out in Gattaran that lasted from 10pm till 10pm the next 3 days.... we didn't get much work done. 

My ears literally started to bleed from the noise :_ tapos Naka-sakit sa tenge ko ULIT :( 

I'm going to yet another hospital later today to see if they can figure out why my ears are literally dying. If they can't figure that out or I don't get better then I get to go to Tugegaro and try a third hospital. I'm not excited for it all because it's been preventing me from really being able to go out a lot and I miss the opportunity to get to meet, Teach and know the people here sharing a wonderful message of change, happiness, the joy of families, and the love of God and Jesus Christ has for us. 

I'll admit it's been hard to overcome such pain. but I'm doing it :) It hasn't stopped me from learning the culture, language better (both of them that is) and growing every day spiritually and physically. 

I'm also eating a lot of food. 

I also got a new camera! it does weird stuff when I try to do low light pictures. 

So to update the week for you guys: 

This is what my camera did when I tried to take pictures of Christmas lights that are still up :) 

I got new sandals. (and yes austin cilone, I still wear those socks I politely stole from you with permission over 1 year ago) 

They are starting to plant rice here finally because for the past 11 days straight (literally with no stop) it has been raining.... It finally stopped on sunday and the streets weren't flooded anymore so we got out and took a pretty picture before heading to our first teaching appointment :) 

This country is so beautiful beyond all means ngl. 

I took a picture of me and Elder wells to try out my new camera. it works fantastic :) He also was caught off guard because he didn't realize that the flash would work. 

Jumping picture, Copyright © Elder Powell

I had mentioned in another email that I had bought a lot of legos. this is my favorite one :) 

We had a Zone Con which was super awesome and the whole drive back to Gattaran (which is an hour+ drive) was once again on top of a milticab as we ate Jollebee which is the only one in all of our zone and for the most part all of Cagayan (our area that is of the mission). We are a very sparse part of the Philippines here, but it's okay because everyone here is absolutely amazing :) 

A lil blurry, but this is us in our multicab ride up to Apari today :) We're livid and the only white people that people can see in a long distance.

Tapos ko. 

-Elder Powell 

P.S. we asked around and found out in gattaran there are only 5 white people. 3 americans, some person from California that moved here for work and a wife, and this one dude that is attending Cagayan state university out here and lives all the way out in nassiping which is very far away. He drives almost 2 hours to get to his college town on weekdays. 

P.P.S. A spiritual moment and testimony for those reading to the end, 

I know that Scattered Israel is out here. Yesterday in teaching a recent convert of ours, She bore her testimony of how she felt the love of God and Jesus Christ for her and her family as she was going through some trials. and then went on to talk about how she knows of the truthfulness and fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ and that it was restored to the earth once again to bring joy and happiness to her family and others around. When we ended, I had a witness right before my eyes that she is a chosen one of God. She is of the Scattered Israel being gathered as stated in the Bible to build and bring forth the greatest blessing that our Heavenly Father can give us. I love this gospel, this church, at alam ko na lahat na ito ay totoo. Mahal na Mahal tayo ng Dios talaga. Nagpapapsalamat talaga po ako para sa yung pagmamahal galing sa kanya. 

Better pictures to come later :) Also My album is updated :) 

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