SO yeAH mY p-DAy IS On wEDnESdAY
And it's exciting and all! I don't have too much to say here. It's wonderful being here in the office and as weird as it sounds, I LOVE IT HERE.

For those of you in Gilbert, my companion is Elder Prusse. He went to Campo Verde and is awesome. He is apparently best friends with my cousin Eden so that was fun to find out. We didn't know each other before the mission but now we definitely will know each other after the mission. Elder Corachea who is training me in the office is amazing for certain! It's absolutely wild with him but so much fun for sure!!!! He's my first Filipino Companion :) That made me super happy.

Love you!
-Elder Powell
P.S. If I got a piso for every time someone asked me if this was reimbursable that is not here, I could probably order pizza hut every day and still have leftover money :)
P.P.S. TUKU TUKU TUKU (I love the wild life here it's super.... alive)
P.P.P.S. Pictures :)