Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Bale Mirkoles na lang

SO yeAH mY p-DAy IS On wEDnESdAY 
And it's exciting and all! I don't have too much to say here. It's wonderful being here in the office and as weird as it sounds, I LOVE IT HERE. 

I get to be on a computer a lot and also move a bunch of big packages and other things around here also making sure elders have stuff and then I also get to be a mailman for the mission's 160+ missionaries and so on and forth. 

For those of you in Gilbert, my companion is Elder Prusse. He went to Campo Verde and is awesome. He is apparently best friends with my cousin Eden so that was fun to find out. We didn't know each other before the mission but now we definitely will know each other after the mission. Elder Corachea who is training me in the office is amazing for certain! It's absolutely wild with him but so much fun for sure!!!! He's my first Filipino Companion :) That made me super happy. 

Not much else to report on though. I get to learn how to drive here, travel the mission and so on all on top of still working up to 30 hours in the mission field!!! I'm not just in the office 108539 hours a day but we actually get to go out and still teach and serve and help so on. All is truly well here and I see every day the miracles of the Gospel in other people's lives as they come unto Jesus Christ and receive all the wonderful blessings of exaltation :) 

Love you! 

-Elder Powell

P.S. If I got a piso for every time someone asked me if this was reimbursable that is not here, I could probably order pizza hut every day and still have leftover money :) 

P.P.S. TUKU TUKU TUKU (I love the wild life here it's super.... alive)

I'm an office elder

BaLE oO. 

Transfers happened and I'm getting transferred. I checked the transfer board this morning and.... Bam my second area I'm already in the office. With instructions to go directly to the mission office and start learning everything about it there. For still being kinda new to the mission this really threw me off. But I'm excited regardless!!! I'm going from what is known to be the worst apartment in the mission to the best (as in it has an oven so i am going to be doing a lot of baking :) . It's wild really and I was not prepared for this to happen in any way whatsoever but the Lord gives out only callings that he knows you can accomplish! I'm excited for a change of atmosphere and all and to fulfill all that needs to be done :) 

Also just watched conference! It was wild having 2 days straight of talks all about the importance of repentance and the sacrament followed by a Zone Conference about repentance too. It's crazy for such a focus on that which has helped me a lot in learning the ways to really teach about repentance and so on. 

That is all from me. Sorry for being so short all the time now. Also It's just going to be shorter and shorter because also now I'm in the office and going to be super busy 013494/7 (because there are that many hours in a day as a missionary) 

Love you all! just wanted to let you know that! 

-Elder Powell

P.S. Pictures! 

Fun fact! We cooked pig in some banana leaves and rocks last p-day! It was fun :) and tasted really good.

batch!!!! at zone activity :) 

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

I know a second language now!

Editor's Note: We did not get an email from Joe last week (3/31/19). This week's email was short and sweet with lots of pictures and no explanations about them. Also, you may need Google Translate. :)

So I don't have too much time but a lot of fun things happened! As in I got my 3rd sinus infection on the mission :) I'm so good at this whole infection thing... But I'm still working lots, meeting lots of new people, having wonderful conversations with others in pure Tagalog (yay! I know a second language now!) and so on. 

Outside of that I would just like to simply bear my testimony that this is truly the Church of Jesus Christ in our time. at sobra nagpapasalamat ako dahil sa ating buhay na propeta si President Russel M Neison! Tapos, ang ebangelyo ni jesucristo ay totoo siya talaga tiaka para sa akin, I found out for myslef the importance ng pangalawang parte . Pagsisisi at Pagtawaran. (repentance and forgiveness). Kahit sino na, Kinakilangan na matawaran ang lahat ng tao. Sobra mahalaga siyya talaga. and all the more reason that Jesus Christ's atonement is so important as well because without it, we would have no way to truly repent and be forgiven or know how to truly forgive others of their wrong doings. I love this gospel and learned so much about it being here (except in a different language so sharing and speaking about it in English is hard for me...) and all that Jazz. 

Love you all God Speed!

-Elder Powell 

Keepy-Uppy with your formative assessments!

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