Wednesday, April 24, 2019

I'm an office elder

BaLE oO. 

Transfers happened and I'm getting transferred. I checked the transfer board this morning and.... Bam my second area I'm already in the office. With instructions to go directly to the mission office and start learning everything about it there. For still being kinda new to the mission this really threw me off. But I'm excited regardless!!! I'm going from what is known to be the worst apartment in the mission to the best (as in it has an oven so i am going to be doing a lot of baking :) . It's wild really and I was not prepared for this to happen in any way whatsoever but the Lord gives out only callings that he knows you can accomplish! I'm excited for a change of atmosphere and all and to fulfill all that needs to be done :) 

Also just watched conference! It was wild having 2 days straight of talks all about the importance of repentance and the sacrament followed by a Zone Conference about repentance too. It's crazy for such a focus on that which has helped me a lot in learning the ways to really teach about repentance and so on. 

That is all from me. Sorry for being so short all the time now. Also It's just going to be shorter and shorter because also now I'm in the office and going to be super busy 013494/7 (because there are that many hours in a day as a missionary) 

Love you all! just wanted to let you know that! 

-Elder Powell

P.S. Pictures! 

Fun fact! We cooked pig in some banana leaves and rocks last p-day! It was fun :) and tasted really good.

batch!!!! at zone activity :) 

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