Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Fathers are Cool

Your *Mom is cool
The less eventful week of the POM
Philippines Office Mission
*Ur dad is even cooler 

GUESS WHAT WE FOUND (Hint look at my model for the office photoshoot this past week)

Whassup fam I'm back with another week of the internet has been out the entire week except for today when it finally came back! 

Yeah the internet here in the office has been a little wishy-washy not liking us too much. So much that we actually just ended up buying out own internet router to use while the church internet goes out.. but other than that; 

My Dad had a WONDERFUL day a few days ago! 

So did my Grandpa!!!! 

But none of them are here in the Philippines so I just celebrated fathers day with all the digiti tatatang (dads) here in Laoag!!! The ward put together a wonderful Father's day special lunch and the Relief Society has made it the best day for them! We missionaries also performed a fun little musical number for them and our APs here in the mission gave wonderful talks about how fathers day here is also a fantastic day to celebrate our Father in heaven ! 

Speaking of, Here's a cool video that we watched with the Hernando Family! In which we discussed about his love for us and how we have to actively seek to obtain his love and accept it. he does it all behind the scenes supporting us, taking care of us, Watching over us, Providing a world for us, Teaching us the good and the bad, Giving us the experiences that we need to grow and become like him. Perfect. The Hernando Family is amazing too! Brother Hernando is actually from Utah! His family moved there when he was 15 where he also met his wife Julie. Then 2 and a half years ago as a family, they received a prompting of the lord that they need to drop everything in their life back in Utah and move to the Philippines and start up a children's rescue center and orphanage here in Laoag City. Sister Julie while we were at a dinner appointment with them talked about how one experience there was this one kid that they eventually took in who was being physically abused growing up by her family. She tried to attack her and to literally rip her skin off and hair and so on in a horrid manner which was scary for her sure but during the whole situation she went to talk about how all she felt at the moment was our Heavenly Father's love for that child. how they are family and she will feel the love soon and to simply just do her best and she will receive the help she needs. both of them. They have had a wonderful success with their orphanage in helping these children out, and recently were able to hire some people to take care of it so that they can move back to Utah this July. We are for sure going to miss them all and their example and the good they have done here in Laoag City. I've seen their impact and it truly is a miracle how God shows his love for us all in his so called mysterious and amazing ways for sure!

I'm really good at taking pictures and not being in them

Speaking of special families and amazing Dads...


you are very popular here in the Philippines! Your face, stories, and influence still to this day helps thousands of saints here develop a closer relationship to God and Jesus Christ! I was able to obtain though my resources here on my google drive/photos (and with a little help from friends who are good at technology) to get some photo collages that my mom shared on Facebook of you not wearing a suit and tie ahahahahahahaha... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Outside of that, I just wanted to say thank you for the example you have given to many people to repent, to change, and to follow the Teachings of Jesus Christ. Especially with one of the talks you have given. I recently shared with a friend of mine here in the Philippines who has been going through some struggles. I recently re listened to this talk you gave and received yet another witness of the Love of our Heavenly Father and again of the Power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ! All of such has helped me become a better servent to the people here in the top of the Philippines! Of all I hope that you continue to share your light and let it shine to glorify our Father which is in heaven. 

I Love My Dad and Mom Too

Also I can say every single bit of that as well about my Father here! I Love him so much and am thankful for him (and my mom as well) for all they do for me every day of my life in taking care of me, Helping me grow up making the right choices in life but also helping me chose simply what I want to do with my life! They teach me every day to be thankful for all I have, know what I need, and when it comes to making decisions, having the Holy Ghost help me with my decisions in knowing where the Best is in all! LOVE YOU MOM AND DAD!

The end

-Elder Powell

P.S. Pictures for the week are here. I'm still working on the better picture taking through the week. sorry I'm not good at it

P.P.S. Fun fact, we finished a teaching appointment and a huge lizard came and climbed on the roof and then ate another small lizard in front of us catching all of our attention and then fell scaring us all. as we were leaving with our investigators (who were going to buy some stuff at the Tindahan as well as our fellowshipers) we got stuck behind a Cow. we took turns distracting the cow to the one side of the path so that everyone else one by one could sneak past him. when we all made it past him, We see a less active tatay who is sobrang lassing all the freaking time and were like "HEY TATAY! PAPANUMNYO?" then he said "diayti baka ko" and then he got his cow and moved it out of the way....... 


Also have to do a quick shout out to AUSTIN CILONE HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAH DUDE (hahah totally remembered) 

Coming at you whenever the internet comes back !!!!


Big Boogly Week of Fun Stuff

A week of Variety

Good morning to a world full of interesting things for us to always explore and enjoy! I am Elder Powell, The Current Supplies Manager, Records Manager, And Vehicle Coordinator of the Philippines Laoag Mission! And I just had bad sleep paralysis about 30 minutes ago πŸ˜Š also, the best P-day and week so far in the mission!

WHAT?!?  ANO BA?!? ANYA?!?

HOW???!!!??? PAANO?!?

AHahahah Because, nothing too big Happened this week for me to report on!

I Found my Wallet
Wooo! So fun story, Last Monday, Me and Prusse were out working and heading out to an appointment that we had Sunday night with some Members for fellowshipping and teaching two new people who just moved from Bacolod and apparently attended church here (Like what thuuuuu. that was easy) and while we were walking this one kid (I called him Kuya out of respect like always) came rolling up in his Motor like a boss with this huge smile (like every koya has when they see two Guwapo mga Amerikano) and he was like β€œHello Koya kilala po ba ninyo ang tao naito?” (β€œHey brother, Do you know this person”)And it was a PICTURE OF MY DRIVERS LICENCE tapos andyan ako sinasabi sa kanya β€œ oi! Ako iyan koya!” (and then there I was saying to him β€œoi! That’s me bro!”)
β€œoh. Nahanap ko ung wallet mo kanina sa kalsada malapit sa may tindahan dyan. Wait lang ditoy koya”
(β€œoh. I found your wallet earlier today on the road by the tindahan there. Just wait here bro.”)
β€œoh okey koya”

AND BAM I GOT MY WALLET BACK after two weeks of it being lost. It truly was a miracle that was in the making and I gave that kid 500 pisos as a thanks like β€œwhat the heck koya thank you so much”


I Got Sick

Yeah so Me and My companion both got sick… At the exact same day. Same time. It was wild. But we are still going out pushing through and all. We worked a lot and it showed its efforts! We had a bunch attend church, (it was like overflowing in the Chapel because of how many were attending church) and so on. It was a wonderful Sunday to see everyone there and so happy!
But yeah I’m still sick. I actually had sleep paralysis earlier today waking up from my nap. I woke up as Prusse was walking out the room and then I tried to move and legit I couldn’t. Then I was like O O F. Then I was like Ehh EH  EH MOVE BODY! And it wouldn’t move. After about A minute of calming down a bit I could move my right arm enough to text my companion that I couldn’t move. But then after calming down a bit more and letting my body kinda fall back asleep and wake up again. I started to cough frantically and my whole body woke up and I could move.
Did you know that Rats can fit through holes that are like ΒΌ the size of them? That’s a fun fact I learned from Rattatouie back when I was like 14 or something.

Spiritual Thought

I had a bit of a spiritual awakening today reading within D&C 81. I have been having a lot of doubt and troubles with my calling as an Office elder working and dealing with so much all at the same time. With overseeing all the supplies for the mission, Records of the mission, and the Vehicles of the mission too, I have learned a lot about managing a lot in one. However sometimes I just don’t feel enough especially when other Elders and Sisters are always getting mad at me for not being able to fit their demands such as supplying rice cookers or toasters or so on. I read in Verse 3 of this section in which the specific words came to me after putting my name in place of Frederick G. Williams, β€œElder Powell, Therefore, Verily I acknowledge him and will bless him, and also thee, inasmuch as thou art faithful in counsel, in the office which I have appointed unto you, in prayer always, vocally and in thy heart, in public and in private, also in thy ministry in proclaiming the gospel in the land of the living, and among thy brethren. And in doing these things thou wilt do the greatest good unto thy fellow being, and wilt promote the glory of him who is your lord. Wherefore, Be Faithful; Stand in the OFFICE which I have appointed unto you; succor the weak, lift up the hand which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees.” And so on through Verse 6 and 7. For these scriptures, And something that I have found to be very very helpful in my work here in the Office of the Philippines Laoag Mission, is to simply read scriptures and if they have other names in there, Replace it with your name. and think about that. Sa tagalog, Pagbulay-bulayan. Pondering. Thinking good of that verse. Simply just thinking and knowing that the verse is there to help you. The Holy Ghost is going to try to testify to you of its truth. Just listen. Be quiet. And it will come. That’s what came to me right here. I felt it deep in my bones reading these verses in Section 81. One more thing of importance that I have recently learned is that I really should be recording these impressions as they come. So this is what I am doing here πŸ˜Š
 #WhenYouTakeMyCamera @ Elder Ballarta

That is all

Yeah that is it.

-Elder Powell

P.S. My RC Justine (who is 14) Gave us a ride on the back of his Dads Tricie. It was fun having a 14-year-old give us a ride. And then when we made it to the highway, a 16-year-old member gave us a ride on his Tricy all the way back to our apartment. It’s fantastic that so many people here have Tricies and just love us.

P.P.S. Sino si POGI?!?!?!?
P.P.P.S. Pictures 



Message: Don't Be a β…ƒooser!

Simple message that I am always trying to share with everyone here! Don't be a β…ƒooser
For Being one is  β…ƒame 
I realize I'm using the wrong hand. 

Simple lang :) 

Share Love and Peace and All things good

I will simply just share a few fun things that had happened this week (besides what everyone else thinks I'mma talk about) in that We had a very stressful week for sure. A lot of things have happened to our missionaries here in the Philippines Laoag Mission that are not the Happiest of things. Being in the office at that point has the requirement of taking care of these missionaries through these hard times as well. However, we were still blessed to have such a caring and wonderful President and Wife take care of the missionaries so well as we all here in the "behind the scenes" of the mission do our best in helping each individual missionary with their respective needs at the moment. I have a wonderful connection now with each and every missionary in this mission (even the ones I don't know completely yet) and It have always (and now truly have to say) made me feel the love of our savior with all the brotherly love he can give us. Our Heavenly Father's Love radiates so much too from our developing connections with others. Knowing that we are all Family and all truly connected in a way that can not be separated by any power in the entire universe, I am just always happy! Maraming Agyaman you! (oh that some good tag-ilok-ish) 

Be a well in the Fare

If someone is going home from their mission (for whatever reason) : Treat them with the best wellness you can in their Fare! 

Fare! I got a wonderful birthday Bresent today!!!!!

But yeah this is the Simon Family! Tatay and Nanay are both recent converts who have just been like "yo everyone! Come join this cool Gospel we have now! It's totally changed our lives for the better and made everything in our life happy!" and then BAM! 3 more people got baptized! They just kinda were like "we going to invite our entire family to become eternal and we are going to help all of our friends and so on" and like they just kinda have been turning our area into the most progressing area in the entire mission. The only problem we have with this is that we work in the office for 9 hours a day and can usually only get out to work there and teach and serve people about 4 hours in the day... But the members here have just been amazing for sure. They know exactly what we need and they just bangin working so hard for us helping their ward and their neighbors in Ministering, Fellowshiping, and testifying at all times of the Awesomeness of God and Jesus Christ! 

I can truly say that this was the best birthday ever!!!!! I was Blessed to have my first Baptism (as in I'm actually baptizing someone and not my companion ahahahah) on my 20th birthday!!! and it was AWESOME ya know who else awesome?!? Pauline and Justin! They saw the example their parents have and how much more awesome they are and cooler after becoming members and said "ya know what? I'ma follow this trend too!" and they did. They are super smart and cool people for sure and the ward helped them so well in making them feel at home and apart of the Family (along with one of our Stake High Councilors giving us a nice little ukulele serenade) 

Pizza is Amazing too I was also blessed superbly to have the Laoag 1C elders treat me to some Pizza Hut for my birthday that evening too after our day of work :) 

No I did not get a day off for my birthday ahahah working on my birthday was the real Joy of my birthday! This was just tasty especially at the end of such a hard day

That's all From me. Copy in, Copy out, I'll Mag-TTYL sa Susunod na Miyrkoles 

-Elder Powell 

P.S. Here is all the Shenanigans that's happened this past week :) 

P.P.S. Send me fun things that are happening in your life! I love stories!!! !!!!! 

P.P.P.S. I also like exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.P.P.P.S. We also Celebrated President's Birthday!!!!! We in the office (and with the help of Sister Peterson) spent way too much money to spoil him with some homemade Cheesecake and a super fancy catered Lunch :) (it was also MLC for all the Zone leaders and STL's) 

Keepy-Uppy with your formative assessments!

 Active learning as a whole:  As Bandit would say, "active learning is the bee's knees!" (typical Aussie dad moment), Not only...