Thursday, September 19, 2019

I'm alive - Hey Ya'll


It's been a long week. I've learned a lot through this week in terms of the casualty of being casual in the work of the Lord. It's better done formal ;) 
Here's some notes I took with a random sketch I made and think is cool! 
[Editor's note: The notes and sketch did not come through on his email. Sorry.]

I'm grateful for Come Follow Me program and the help it is in understanding the New Testament.
Other than that, I won't be reporting much. Just posting a lot of pictures because I will be doing a lot of extra work the next few P-days that I have before transfers. 
[Editor's note: there were no other pictures.]

Hopefully the end of all the busy P-day work will pay off to really benefit my future! It was something I had prayed about for many days and thought big time since it's kind of life changing. But I guess if it all goes well you will find out in about 4 months. If not you will not hear anything really from me.

That's all! Here's a Photo of me blushing at the camera. A rare photo you will never (not) see produced again as I get camera shy hahahahah
-Elder Powell

So This is going to be another small week. Im'ma do a Q and A with like maybe one old picture to share because,

1. There were some Emergency Transfer 
2. I got a new companion and working in an open area (well half of it was my current area and then we just got 2 barangays from the AP's area) 
3. I'm not in the office anymore :) 

and so on. 

Just send me questions for me to answer and next week I will explain things a bit better :) Thank you!!!!! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Small Update


So not too much to update things on. We had another fun week! I got to talk to a lot of my family too so that was fun! We planned some fun stuff! I officially have 1 year left which scares me but also I'm happy and ready for everything in my life! It's so fun! I'm also close to finally leaving the office which every missionary here knows by now I'm ready to leave this place and be a real missionary again But outside of that, I'm still enjoying my time here! I'm really going to miss this area a lot actually! The people here are so awesome and I've definitely made more friends than I ever thought I could! The ward here is so amazing and always willing to help out in the ways we need as missionaries! I will forever be grateful for such blessings as

Maisa: The people that work at 3G's Chicken inesal! (Refer to the last Vlog I sent a few weeks ago)
Duwa: Every freaking kid I see and give a High 5
talo: the food Sister Peterson makes and we get to eat
upat: Getting to see this m8 every once and a while during exchanges and MLC and Zone Conference! 

(Yes I am wearing a Macdonalds tie)

That's about it from me :) 

MLC happened so I got to eat real spaghetti and McDo without having to be a ZoneLeader or AP! 

-Elder Powell

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


I'm going insane hahaha. I'm so not ready to go home! I just kind of want to stay here for forever but you know what, It's whateves. Heavenly father has a totally awesome plan for me and I will be doing great wherever I am! Well besides that, I'm also just kind of chilling out here, Teaching, Working, doing missionary work as always :) Not too much to report hahaha

UPDATE: My trainer is now an RM! Living in Berley Idaho! So if anyone is looking, he's available 24/7 and will accept all offers

Outside of that, I also got to meet the new missionaries! lots from my Batch as well as some old friends and companions are training them! So exciting! Especially for my friend Elder Aquino! He's only 4 months into his mission and already training! what a baller! #AngGaling!

It's also raining a lot. We had two bagios hit us (typhoons) but it just rained a lot that was all. 

Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Church of Mormons is NOT True

But The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true!!!!!!



3rd Nephi 14
-Elder Powell

Send me stuff :) 

Philippines Laoag Mission
#50 Buttong, Airport Ave. Junction Tangid Road.
Laoag City, Ilocos Norte 2900

September 2018 - 2020

Lots of Video Chatting

HI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The office is going to be pure Americans now. This is wild. I've experienced more white culture on the mission than my whole past life in elementary, middle, and high school. And to better define "White Culture" I'm meaning like every apartment I have lived in has always been 3 Americans and 1 Filipino. One cycle it was 2 Filipinos but elder Ballan and Corachea are better at English than I am so It's kind of hard to beat that. Last cycle it was 4 Americans and 1 Filipino, and now this cycle it's going to be 5 Americans. So that's crazy :) 

hehehe but I'm chill with whatever. I can honestly tell you it's God's will for sure to have such scenarios happen to me :) 
Things are still great here :) I'm alive and doing all well heheheh 

Also my grandpa got a new hip and can already walk! He has a cane for support but almost treats it like nothing because of how awesome and masipag he is! He also talked to one of our elders here (Elder Vaea) who is from Nukualofa Tonga and then they just casually started speaking Tongan to each other and Vaea giddied like a girl so happy to see and talk to him. It was the first time I've seen him fangirl about something. My family is awesome!
Today was a great day :) 

Elder Powell

Keepy-Uppy with your formative assessments!

 Active learning as a whole:  As Bandit would say, "active learning is the bee's knees!" (typical Aussie dad moment), Not only...